Some of the stories previously featured on our website are archived here so that you can look back through them at your leisure.
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We welcome everyone
We're an open, welcoming and inclusive club - we don't care what your skin colour is or where you're from, what god(s) you believe in (or don't), what gender you are, or like, or wish to dress as. Our interest is in learning about and having fun with the good bits of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (and the "good bits" definitely do not include the intolerance and bigotry that was all too common through history).
There's been a recent news article about a group at Auckland University who promote European culture through activities such as medieval reenactments. They're not associated with us or the SCA, and while we see they share our enjoyment of reenactment, we also hope that they share our openness to people of all races and beliefs (and all the other differences that make Auckland a wonderfully cosmopolitan city) joining them.
Ildhafn at the Pop-up Globe
Auckland's "Pop-up" Globe opened on Thursday night with much fanfare and just a little help from the good people of Ildhafn. This Globe is a temporary construction replicating the second Globe Theatre in London, and will be venue for a huge programme of Shakespeare plays. Featuring the costuming of our very own Lady Christine Bess Duvant (Chantelle Gerard), the play for the opening night Gala was Twelfth Night. An hepe of us were given tickets in return for going along and looking pretty, and pretty we were, hitting the red carpet with a storm of well-tailored silk and velvet.
Council meeting times for 2016
We're looking at the best option for monthly council-meetings this year.
Likely times:
- Sunday daytime
- Sunday evening
- Wednesday evening
A&S time and venue for 2016
A possible plan for A&S meetings in Ildhafn this year: a big monthly gathering plus smaller weekly gatherings
I'd really appreciate as much feedback as possible before this Sunday (the 14th). I know heaps of you have already given lots of feedback (thank you!) but a minute filling this out will make it so much easier to count. Thanks a heap!
Here's the form - have your say in easily-countable form
SCA in the Sunday Star Times
Recently we had a journalist from the Sunday Star Times come along to a couple of rapier evenings and he also visited May Crown; his article has just been published today and is also available in the glossy section of the Sunday Start Times.
Magna Carta across The Ditch
Some of our Australian cousins teamed up with the Museum of Australian Democracy to recognise the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta:
Capriol + Affetto
A bunch of our dancers -- led by Mistress Katherina -- performing under the name Capriol have teamed up with Auckland-based early music group Affetto to put together a show combining sixteenth century music and dance. I had the good fortune to see the first performance last night.
Ildhafn library auction
The Ildhafn council has agreed that the time has come to dispose of our Baronial library. This is being done by way of an auction, which will conclude at the Collegium on April 12th.
Former Blue Lymphad Honoured at Battys
The Battys
It was Lochac Heraldry's night of nights, when Karl Faustus ("Fruitbat") von Aachen, Crux Australis Herald, updated his website. Heralds from across the Kingdom were not there and had no idea it was taking place.
Event Report: Canterbury Faire 2014 - Ludwig edition
The Ildhafn presence at Canterbury Faire was even bigger this year. The sunshades, tables and benches brought by our benevolent Baron and Baroness and by the indefatigable Braythewaytes helped make the Ildhafn encampment a hive of activity.