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If you're looking for information about our group, or are interested in joining, please contact Chantelle Gerrard,

Keep in touch on e-mail and social media.



Baron & Baroness 

Baron Domenego Ferrante di Aldobrando and Baroness Mærwynn æt Mædwe (Trent and Michelle Deakin),

Ceremonial leaders of the Barony. 

(Since October 2022)


Baron Domenego


The following list are the officers of Ildhafn - those of the Canton of Cluain can be found on their website.

seneschal icon

Seneschal - Mistress Christine Bess Duvaunt (Chantelle Gerrard)    
Administration - president and secretary combined. (In office since March 2022).


 Mistress Christine Bess Duvant  Chantelle
chatelaine icon

Chatelaine - Giacoma Tovani  (Caitlin Smart)    
Assists new members and visitors, and is often the first point of contact for enquiries. (As of April 2022)

 Photo of Ildhafn Chatelaine  
herald icon Herald -  Noble Saga (Rachel Childs)  
Heraldry, ceremony, names & arms, announcements. (Since May 2024)
marshal icon

Marshal -  Sir Inigo Missaglia (Derek Tomes) 
Manages combat of all sorts. (Since June 2020)

fencer icon

Rapier Marshal - Sir Inigo Missaglia (Derek Tomes) 
Encourages fencing. (Since June 2020)


Captain of Archers - Lord Omid (Philip Kilpatrick) 
Encourages archery. (Since March 2016) 

reeve icon

Reeve - THL Elizabeth Braythwayte (Sue Whitby) 
Group finances - the treasurer. (Since Dec 2022)

 Reeve - Elizabeth Braythwayte


A&S icon

Arts and Sciences -  THL Melissa Wijffels (Melissa) 
Arts, crafts, performance and scholarship (Since May 2024)

webwright icon

Webwright - Baron Sympkyn of the Moor (Ian Piddington) 
Website and email lists. (Since April 2022)


Quartermaster - Baroness Elyna Delynor (Wendy Mansfield) 
Stores and maintains the group's gear. (Since January 2017)




We also have other officer roles that are available if we have someone interested in helping out in a particular way. If you're interested in any officer position, please contact the Seneschal Mistress Christine Bess Duvaunt (Chantelle Gerrard)