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Ildhafn at the Pop-up Globe

Submitted by Ludwig von Rege... on February 20, 2016 - 5:05pm

Auckland's "Pop-up" Globe opened on Thursday night with much fanfare and just a little help from the good people of Ildhafn.  This Globe is a temporary construction replicating the second Globe Theatre in London, and will be venue for a huge programme of Shakespeare plays.  Featuring the costuming of our very own Lady Christine Bess Duvant (Chantelle Gerard), the play for the opening night Gala was Twelfth Night.  An hepe of us were given tickets in return for going along and looking pretty, and pretty we were, hitting the red carpet with a storm of well-tailored silk and velvet. 

The theatre features a large stage, an area for a standing audience ("groundlings") which is open to the sky (prepare to get wet), covered seating and elevated box rooms completely encompassing the venue.  The cheap seats are quite densely packed, whilst the lords is luxuriously spacious, with waiters serving food and wine.  Twelfth Night was a wonderful way to open the theatre.  The play was performed by an all-male cast in late Shakespearean clothing -- very appropriate for the venue -- the exception being the fool, Feste who was in modern clothes.  Music was provided by an excellent three-piece band.  The interpretation was lively and inventive, and the cast excellent.  Amongst our group was a twelve-year old for whom this was their first real experience of a Shakespeare play, and she loved it.

See also:

  • Seven Sharp's coverage, with a special focus on the work of Lady Christine (with a bit of additonal violance courtesy of Don Emrys and yours truly);
  • The gallery where I will try to collect photos.


