I had an enjoyable week's fencing at Canterbury Faire. Don Emrys, Don William and I participated in the melees, which continued last year's theme of silliness with revivals of Zombie scenarios, and the addition of Space Invaders. Christine and I were both authorised in Cut and Thrust, which meant I could examine James in his Free Scholar's prize in longsword (which he easily passed), and we -- along with Emrys -- could play in the Cut and Thrust tourney. I played longsword throughout as it is my new toy.
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Canterbury Faire, 2013
Canterbury Faire in 2013 was outstanding for a great deal of part-singing, both in formal classes and casual singing in the campsite or around the fire.
Some of the pieces we sang were:
An excellent session, with last-minute sewing.
- My love hath vowed
- Verbum caro factum est
- Margot
- Il bianco e dolce cigno
- Dona nobis pacem
(See ildhafn.lochac.sca.org/music for details of each piece).
I've assembled those of our current songs that aren't covered in the Snogbook or Cantiones Secundae, and had them printed and bound, as "Ildhafn's extras". They're in my singing box, with copies of the songbooks above, and a plastic tenor recorder (for getting start-notes).
Please fill this out if you want to camp or eat with Ildhafn at Canterbury Faire. This DOES NOT book you for the event itself - do that here.
Music notes are on this page. Dance notes are here.
The order of the dances might change a bit, but it's unlikely that the content will.
Dance notes are on this page. Music notes are here.