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Birthday Ball 2012

(May 27th, 2012 by Katherina Weyssin)

P1040877Saturday night's ball was a wonderful event - thanks to all who assisted and participated.

(February 10th, 2012 by Katherina Weyssin)

26th of May, 2012

An evening of dancing and board-games, with light refreshments
provided, and a potluck supper.

St Phillips Presbyterian Church, aka North Shore Cook Islands Christian Church
136 Birkdale Road.

This is the church next door the community house where we have dance
practice. It has ample parking, basic kitchen and bathrooms, and a
plain hall with stacked chairs (not pews). It's a couple of hundred
metres from the house of quartermaster and steward, so transporting

(January 19th, 2012 by Ludwig von Rege...)

IMG_6478Location confirmed: St Phillips Presbyterian Church, next door to our regular dance practice.

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