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Council Minutes

(May 24th, 2014 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nicola (Chatelaine), David (A&S), Shannon (Herald), Matthew.


Apologies: Chantelle, Katherine, Rob

Opened: 7:00

Due to the proximity of this (and the next) meeting to the quarterly reporting date for Baronial Officers, see online summaries of Quarterly Reports.


(April 24th, 2014 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nicola (Chatelaine), Katherine (Web), David (A&S), Shannon (Herald), Nora (Reeve)


Apologies: Chantelle, Matthew

Opened: 7:30


No outstanding matters as of the meeting.  As of 23/04 bank balance is $8,093.07.


(February 27th, 2014 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nicola (Chatelaine), Katherine (Web), Chantelle (Rapier), Shannon (Herald), Ange, Nora (Reeve - 7:54), Matthew (8:15)

Apologies: David

Opened: 7:35

Reports:  See quarterly summaries.


Quarterly reports: I would like summaries of officers' quarterly reports distributed to Council list and archived on the website.

(February 20th, 2014 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Shannon (Herald), Katherine (Web), David Robb

Apologies: Rob (Marshal), Nora (Reeve), Chantelle (A&S)

Opened: 7:31


None asked for, none received.

Past Events
Crescent Fence:  Booking fee ($12) still not paid.  [PB - I believe this is in error and the amount has been payed.]

(January 9th, 2014 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nicola, Nora (Reeve), Shannon (Herald), Chantelle (A&S), Catherine, Katherine (Web), David, Jessica

Apologies: Rob (Marshal)

Opened: 7:35


Quarterly reports this month.

(August 11th, 2013 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nora (Reeve), Shannon (Herald), Nicola, David, Katherine (Web)

Apologies: Rob (Marshal), Wendy (Chatelaine/Quartermaster), Chantelle (A&S)

Opened: 7:43


Reeve (Nora): Quarterly report

Herald (Shannon): Nothing to report

Marshal (Rob): No report received

(July 6th, 2013 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Katherine (Webwright), Shannon (Herald), Nora (Reeve), Wendy (Chatellaine), David, Nicola.

Apologies: Rob (Marshal), Chantelle (A&S)


Opened: 6:31

(May 11th, 2013 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nora (Reeve), Chantelle (A&S), Shannon (Herald), David R.

Apologies: Katherine (Web), Wendy (Chatelaine), Rob (Marshal), Nicola.


(November 25th, 2012 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

Ildhafn Council Meeting Minutes November 2012


In Attendance: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (Reeve), Nicola Haliday (Marshal), David Robb (Webwright), Wendy Rowsell (Chatelaine), Patrick Bowman (Herald), Katherine Davies (St Cath's Steward), Roger Win (Baron), Liz Brodie (Baroness)


Apologies: Chantelle Gerrard (A&S)




Meeting Opened: 7.45pm

(July 9th, 2012 by Ildhafn Seneschal)


July 8th 2012

In attendance: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (Reeve), Patrick Bowman (Herald), Nicola Haliday (Marshal), Chantelle Gerrard (A&S Officer)

Apologies: David Robb (Webwright), Wendy Rowsell (Chatelaine)

Absent: Everyone Else

Meeting Opened: 7.45pm

Officer Reports:

Reeve: will update this to Council list, as the Financial Quarterly Report is due at the end of the month.

Webwright: Nothing to report

Herald: Some Baronial awards were given out at the Bloth and he needs to update the website.


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