The first dance class of 2014 was delightfully well-attended (thanks, everyone!) and lots of fun, in spite of the humidity.
We're focussing on French material at the moment; especially Arbeau's Orchesography (published in 1589).
Open hour:
- Pavane: Belle qui tiens ma vie
- Danse de la Haye / Hay Branle
- Courante
- Lorrayne Almain
Notes for the Hay Branle and Courante are underway - they just take a while to write from scratch.
Participating: Katherina W, William de Cameron, Elena, Ian, William de Wyke, Vettoria, Katherine
Advanced hour:
Then Amoroso to finish off on an easy, playful note.
Participating: Katherina W, William de Cameron, Vettoria, Katherine