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Singing at Caterine's

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on November 18, 2012 - 6:59pm

Thanks, Caterine, for offering your house, since William and Catalina were not able to be our hosts today. We had a most productive session.

Laudemus Virginem

Done in the usual way, as our warm-up.

Verbum caro factum est

Eleanor's first time on this piece. We tried all three verses, quite successfully, and for the first time. Anna, Caterine and Eleanor on the top line, William de Cameron and Katherina on the second.

My love hath vow'd

Paid especial attention to dynamics, and to the 4th and 9th bars, where the two lines have different rhythms. Anna, Caterine and Eleanor on the top line, William de Cameron and Katherina on the second.

Dona Nobis Pacem

We worked out a local convention for how to perform this. See page for details.

O my heart

Anna, Caterine and Eleanor on the top line, William de Cameron and Katherina on the second. Caterine's first attempt at this one. We left out the bass for today, as we know we'll have basses at St Catherine's faire. Figured out some of the places where we go out of tune, and fixed them.

Il Bianco e dolce cigno

We listened to this one, but didn't get to it. We decided to give it a go, but only after we've worked on our other current repertoire.


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