Revision of old favourites in the open class, then rehearsal for the Winter Warm Up in the advanced class.
Present: Eleanor, Emrys, Christine, Katherine of Glastonbury, Anna de Wilde, William de Cameron, Katherina Weyssin
Open class:
- Rostiboli Gioioso
- Belfiore
- Earl of Essex Measure
- Black Almain
Advanced class / rehearsal:
- Belfiore
- Spero
- La figlia di Guglielmino
- Amoroso
We had some fun learning (or remembering) how to dance in floor-length flowing 15th century skirts, instead of 16th century skirts that are supported off the floor (at least in front) by a farthingale.
By the end of the evening everything was looking smooth and graceful, but I at least was having some trouble managing my skirt in my first run through La figlia.