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A Busy Afternoon

Submitted by Vettoria di Gio... on November 27, 2011 - 9:01pm

We wound up with eight people at William & Catalina's this afternoon, with a bustle of activity as what was originally "Sewing Sunday" becomes more and more a general group day.

A number of sewing projects were being worked on this afternoon: I put gathering threads in the neckline of a new chemise, while Anna tacked the lining of the skirt of a new dress in, then cut out some sleeves, and Katherina virtuously made some fingerloop braid cords to go on her new shirts.

Later in the afternoon Katherina and William began cutting a new prototype for a quick-and-dirty machine sewn 16th century shoe for Katherina: this is good news for at least half the group, as we all wear more or less the same size shoe.

Our visitor from Innilgard, Don Gregory, enjoyed the sunshine and sparring with Eleanor and Martuccio. They are all looking forward to the Tourney next weekend.


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