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Council Minutes for the 28th of August 2011

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on August 28, 2011 - 11:24pm

 Ildhafn Council Meeting Minutes August 2011 

In Attendance: Angela Wells (Seneschal), Patrick Bowman (Herald), David Robb (Webminister), Nicola Halliday (Marshall), Katherine Davies

Via Skype: Liz Brodie and Roger Win (Baron and Baroness of Ildhafn) Meghann Exley (Sensechal of the Canton of Cluain.

Apologies: Shannon Wanty (A&S, and Reeve)

Absent:Phillip Mason (Constable)


Meeting Opened: 7.42pm

Reeves Report: All outstanding cheques have now been dealt with. This led to outgoings of about $400 in one week as follows:
SCANZ - Kingdom levy for the history night $10
SCANZ - Event Membership for St Cath's 2010 $24
SCANZ - Kingdom levy for St Cath's 2010 $33
Katherine Davies - multiple reimbursements $290.74

We also paid to Kingdom the profit share from Midwinter Coronation 2010, which was $334.62 - so our bank account took a bit of a hit.

Currently the bank balance is $3677.92, which includes some payments from St Cayetano's, but we have yet to pay out anything on St Cayetano's. There's $1008.21 in the Savings account.

Fortunately we're due $2000 from the Museum demo which will help to boost things again.

We've now very painfully changed signatories on the account, so they are as follows:
Angela Wells
Patrick Bowman
David Robb
The ability to approve anything takes any two signatories, unless we're talking about changes to the accounts, in which case it needs to be me and Ange - apparently this is non-negotiable with the bank.

We can get a much better deal at Kiwibank in terms of getting online transactions happening with dual approval - it's free. National will charge us heaps for this (like, $100 a month), when they think they can do this. I would therefore like to move the accounts over to Kiwibank - if Council can discuss this please and confirm that they are okay with this, that would be great. Moving to a system where payments just require two of us to log in from any computer anywhere to approve a transaction would be much better than continuing to rely on cheque books. I think we would still want to continue with the four signatories (being myself, Angela Wells, Patrick Bowman, and David Robb), and if we can, set it up so any changes at all can be approved by any two of those signatories.

 A&S Report: Arts and Sciences are still happening here. We continue to have cool people who dointeresting stuff.

Regular A&S meetings:- Dancing, Thursday evenings, split between beginner's and by invitation.- Sewing, Sunday afternoons, also room for "Shed"-type projects.

New A&S Officer:I would like to readvertise this role. I will start advertising as soon as I hear it's okay to doso. I would like the cut off to be at the end of August, and will forward through candidates that day. If it works for you, would it be possible to make a decision in the first week of September so I can hand this office over as soon as possible. I've been busy with other stuff so haven't had any free time to put in for this, and our likely candidate is now in a position to take on the role.

Museum Demo:We did a demo recently at Auckland Museum which featured a bunch of A&S stuff. It went down well with the public

Heralds Report: Blue Lymphad has practically nothing to report.  There was no business at St Cayetano's.  Heraldic duties at St John's were performed by Baron Benedict, who informs me that nothing was done that need trouble the score-keeper.  Ludwig has had little time for heraldry this quarter, but looks forward to lifting his game in the coming months.

Webministers Report: Late, and slightly confused, since the Kingdom Webminister proclaimed May and November reporting only for webministers earlier in the year, but in the interests of providing Ange with something to say about web stuff from Ildhafn..

The website continues to be well visited, well edited by the populace (yay, thank you all) and all indications are that both the public and the members continue to use it to know what's going on. Hurrah!

I'm happy to continue as webminister for some time yet.

Constables Report: No report received

Chatelaines Report: People are still making use of the website for a way to contact us.  We have recently had a person contact us through the website.

I have not sent through my recommendation through to the Kingdom Hospitaller, so have been very lax in my job.  I will rectify this this week.

Marshalls Report: Heavy:
Heavy is pretty non-existent in the city, we currently have a couple of very eager
young gentlemen who wish to train (Sam and Jon) and I have recently been in contact
with Sir Wilhelm to see if training can be arranged. Anna is also keen on training and
has done some training with Sir Inigo.

Sam and Anna currently have gear and Jon still needs to get gear sorted. Transport
appears to be a problem at this point as Sam and Jon are on the North Shore and
Wilhelm is near Mt Albert, Wilhelm does not wish to travel to the North shore weekly
and neither Sam nor Jon drive. Public transport solutions are being looked into.


We were recently given some gear by Jardine who has not been active in some time,

it included a large breastplate, an old archery helm, a large shield, a heavy helm, a pair

of legs and a selection of medium to heavy weight leather.  The archery helm is with

ludwig,  and the rest of the gear is in my garage, the legs appear to fit Jon, the helm

needs checking and the breastplate is in the process of having the rust removed.

The last known heavy practice in Ildhafn City appears to have been about 12 months
ago, Sir Inigo was actively trying to run training sessions but they fell through due to
lack of interest.

The last Tournament within the City was at the Royal Visit earlier this year in which
there were 5 participants.

Rapier activity in Ildhafn City is ongoing and we often get between 4-6 people at training
on a regular basis. Currently training is taking place on a weekday evening at a local
dance studio but there has been interest in having an additional training session on a
Sunday afternoon. This has been trailed and was successful with 5 people turning up
– I hope that this will continue and become more frequent as the weather allows.

Although the numbers have sustained at a stable level the actual people have
fluctuated greatly.

Last year we had a fairly consistent group who turned up, most of that group are not
currently attending regularly for various reasons :
• Two people move overseas but who have retained their enthusiasm
• One person, who had moved to the group from an offshore group, appears to
have just dissolved, it appears that Real Life has sucked him away.
• Once Person has taken up other responsibilities within the group which take
up a substantial amount of time.
• One person who is taking a break from the SCA after a fairly active period.

This year rapier and interest in rapier through our website has been a way in which we
have met and gained contact with our new members.

So far this year we have had 4 people who have found us through our website and
have approached up with rapier as a primary interest (ok so two of them had heavy as
a primary interest but have taken up rapier whilst we try and get heavy going) they
have all been younger people who are currently studying or have recently completed
their studies, all are fairly new to the area. Due to the fact that many of them are
students their attendance is somewhat sporadic.

We have recently had two experienced fencers move into the city from other groups,
neither are currently attending regular training sessions.

We have recently been focusing on the Meyer style of rapier combat and have
recently moved to Manciolino.

Ludwig has been keeping a very useful blog on the Ildhafn website which has been a
good way of keeping track of what we have covered.

Rapier tournaments in the City usually field about 4-5 participants, many of our new
fighters are currently unauthorised.

Ludwig fought and obtained his Free-Scholar Prize at Canterbury Faire.

Eleanor recently authorised again and promises to send through her paperwork this


Past Events:

St Cayetano’s:  The event was good.  We made a profit because we had more people attend than the breakeven as the breakeven was 15, but we had a few out of towners attend.  Also because the site forgot that we had booked the hall, they dropped the event site fee by $50. Cheques need to be written out to Patrick and Nicola for their expenses. Angela has cash of $312 dollars that she will be depositing this week.

Museum Demo:  Still have not produced a receipt for the museum.  Angela is still waiting for two more pieces of information from the Reeve.  Once she has that she will produce an invoice for the Museum Demo.  Once an invoice has been produced and presented, it will take a month before a cheque or money will be deposited into the Baronial account.

Angela spent $75 to make the sugar syrups and the short break and almond cookies.  Angela will pass on the receipts to Shannon.

We are still waiting for receipts from Vanessa for her contribution of food for the museum demo.

Upcoming Events: 

No St Cath’s bid at all.  Angela will poke Bene and Wilhelm again..but at this point in time, those who are thinking about running an event and there is nothing formal in the calendar or has been accepted by the council then all dates are available.

 Labour Weekend:  Rotorua Event in the Canton of Cluain – Go to it, it will be good.

General Business:

Changing the group bank account:  We the council agree that we would like to change from the National Bank to a Kiwibank account.  This account will need to allow multiply signatories. Those signatories are Angela Wells, Shannon Wanty Patrick Bowman and David Robb. The Kiwibank account, will need to require a minimum of two signatories to perform any function related to this account.  We would like this group account to have and include online access, that will allow internet banking transfers and any other online transactions that are required, that can be performed by any two of the signatories as noted above

Stewarding/Financial Info:  The information is up on the website.  This is good, and if you are a steward or thinking about stewarding an event, then you should go read them.

Establishing some guidelines/rules for the club:  Angela has not gotten around to doing this, and is hoping to have this done in the next couple of weeks.  She will send it through to the council list, and hopefully there will be a discussion about it at next month’s meeting.

Baronial Lymphad Tokens: It has been mentioned by the Baron and Baroness that they do not have many or no tokens left.  The council has advised the B&B that the Baronial council will cover the costs of the making of the new lymphad tokens. We will need to see costing’s first before the council will be able to approve the expenditure.


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