From their Excellencies of Ildhafn
Greetings Good Gentles of the Barony of Ildhafn
The Baronage of Ildhafn has two ports of note within its shores. During Canterbury Faire it came to Our attention that the Lord High Admiral of Lochac, Don Martuccio Lorenzo Nico Cavalcanti de Medici, had but a small fleet and one oar. To ensure that Our messages continue to reach Crown, We approached the Admiral with the offer of ships for the Royal Navy.
Not to be outdone, upon hearing of this, the Baronage Mordenvale declared that they would match Our offer. The Admiral looking further to the other Baronages whose arms included a ship should, to be worthy of such arms, be able to likewise match these offers.
The Admiral Martuccio decreed that to outfit the Royal Navy, the Baronages of Ildhafn, Mordenvale, Stormhold and Ynys Fawr request of their populous FOUR ships to present to Their Majesties. Said ships should be of a scale that they can be used as items of largess by the Crown and should be ONE of metal, ONE of wood, ONE of fibre and ONE as the people choose. These ships are to be presented by the Baronages to the Admiral's representative for his approval, and then jointly to the Crown at this coming May Coronation.
Let it be known that at St Sebastian’s We will seek advice from you, Our populace, on the form of this largess and how you would like to be involved. For those of you unable to attend, We value your input and would love to hear your ideas.
In Service
Domenego & Mærwynn
Baron & Baroness of Ildhafn