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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - December 2022

Submitted by Giacoma Tovani on December 7, 2022 - 11:23am



Minutes dated 3rd December 2022


Meeting opened at 1:05pm


Venue: Zoom meeting online

Attendees: Aveline (Webwright), Domenego (Baron, Reeve), Etain (Herald), Giacoma (Chatelaine), Mærwynn (Baroness)

Apologies: Christine (Seneschal)


1. Opening and Welcome by the Reeve

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of the previous meeting (stipulating minor typos to be reviewed by the 5th) - moved by Domenego, seconded by Etain, abstained Aveline. Passed. 

4. Matters arising from October minutes:

        * Check events updated (Giacoma)

        * Confirm Levies from Winter Event before next meeting (Domenego and Giacoma)

5. Officer Reports:

Seneschal (Christine):

  • Several recent events have gone well, further discussed in events below
  • Action: Aveline to share Instagram details with Christine in order to share Summer Event photos

Reeve (Domenego):

  • $6394.38 current balance
  • Commentary open for Elizabeth Braythwayte, my replacement, ends 16 December.
    • Cluain role being advertised with one EoI received, just need formal application with info.
  • Winter event and Summer event reports still open.
    • Winter income still due and levies to be paid, should be closed off before end of Q3.
    • Summer finances still being sorted.
    • Advance credit reconciliation in progress.
  • Advances and approval processes – notice to committee. Reminder to all Committee Members that advances must be approved by Council. 
  • Action: Eleanor (as signatory) and Domenego to discuss off list.
  • Action: Domenego to confirm if quorum of 3 committee members includes, or excludes, a recipient of funds for advances.

Herald (Etain):

  • All submissions are chugging along; unfortunately may miss December cutoff for some submissions.
  • Voice heralding at Summer Event successful.

Chatelaine (Giacoma):

  • No newcomer requests.
  • Several new people continuing to attend regular events.

Webwright (Aveline)

  • Has got test site access, will do some work over Christmas.
  • Will chat with B&B about future site

6. Past Events

Summer Event (Etain)

Successful event, feast was particularly well noted. Full event summary to come soon. Looks to have made a small profit.


7. Upcoming Events

Canterbury Faire - Ildhafn Encampment, January 2023 [Steward: Aveline]

Aveline will give the populace a few more days to sign up, then will start looking at costs.

Discussed that at some point, Ildhafn may be charged for renting space in the container on site.


April Event, April 2023 [Stewards tbc]

Booking has been confirmed. Suggestion has been made to unofficially start advertising in Cook’s Guild channels.


Lochac 20th Anniversary, June 2023 [Stewards: Christine & Þorvaldr]

Currently looking at Queen’s Birthday weekend, Hunua campsite is available.


Winter Event, July 2023 [Stewards tbc]

Booking with Schlaepfer Park appears to be confirmed, Christine will confirm by next meeting.


Cooking workshop in Rotorua, date tbc [Stewards tbc]

No further updates


8. General Business


Archery Purchases and Funding Regular Practices

Domenego proposed two funding models for archery and other regular practices:

  • Members self-fund hireage and a ‘kitty’ for loaner gear purchases.
  • Events are organised with the intent of generating more income than expenditure, with the profit from events being funnelled into regular practices as a ground for a recruitment.

There was general consensus amongst the committee that model (2) is preferred.


Motion: The Committee to purchase 2x bows, the $150 horse bow from Luan, per Phil’s proposal, and David’s bow for $50. Proposed by Domenego, seconded by Giacoma. Passe This motion also received support from Christine via email. The committee also noted that it is open to purchasing more loaner gear for archery on further review.



Several tablecloths appear to have been stained with mould over the last few years. There was discussion on what could be done with these tablecloths. Eleanor has offered to purchase one of these tablecloths to test if it would pass the puncture test for Rapier garb, with the idea that other tablecloths can be turned into loaner gear if this passes.


Motion: The Committee confirms and accepts Eleanor Hall's purchase of 1x of the leftover tablecloths for $20.[n.b. it is the sincerest apologies of the minutetaker that I didn't capture who had proposed this motion - Giacoma]. Seconded by Mærwynn. Motion passed unanimously.


Action: Quartermaster to check the current tablecloth inventory to see what other tablecloths need to be replaced.


Storage Containers

Motion: The Committee to reimburse Mærwynn æt Mædwe $24.98 for the purchase of a replacement storage container. Proposed by Mærwynn, seconded by Giacoma, abstained Domenego. Motion passed.


9. Date of next meeting: 7th January 2023 (pencilled - to be confirmed on email list)


10. Meeting closed: at 2:05pm


Minutes written by Giacoma

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