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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - September 2022

Submitted by Aveline Goupil on September 17, 2022 - 8:18pm


Minutes dated 3 September 2022

Meeting opened at 1.05pm

Venue: Zoom meeting online

Attendees: Christine (Seneschal), Etain (Herald), Elyna (Chronicler, Quartermaster), Giacoma (Chatelaine), Domenego (Reeve), Aveline (Webscribe)



1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: Giacoma (Chatalaine)


3. Minutes of the previous meeting:

Etain moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (August 2022 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Christine, vote was in favour, motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes: The signatories for the bank account is still outstanding, and there remains some chasing up to be done for the Mordenvale donation.


5. Officer Reports:

- Seneschal (Christine):

Everything ticking over well and activities are getting done. There may be a need to push the advertising of the chronicler role but otherwise things are OK. It is great to see the group getting back to where we want to be, with lots of new people coming to events and enthusiasm from both new and established members.

- Reeve (Domenego):

Financial report as emailed: Ildhafn bank balance $6,699.83.



Apologies for laxity in following up the signatories for SCANZ.

Mid-winter Event


The disbursements and refunds from the Mid-winter event are almost complete, subject to confirmation. Pretty happy to have the bulk of these sorted.




Tabled for later in the meeting.

- Herald (Etain):

Working with a person who reached out via the heralds email address to make enquiries about registering a name and device, they are looking at coming back after a period away. Have given them two options they like the look of and they are spending some time ‘living’ with those for a little bit before conflict checking is undertaken.


The Hamlet is progressing slowly but steadily, Glen has reached out asking for a talk at Coronation for the Hamlet populace regarding making a start on a badge for them. 

- Chatelaine (Giacoma):

(Send via email): Nothing changed since last time, still good to help on the 10th.

- Chronicler (Elyna):

Have advertised for a deputy/replacement and had no response so will have to do that again. Come October may be able to carry on doing it a litte longer, but would like to get a deputy at a minimum.


Nothing else to report.

- Webwright


The ‘CF 2023 Camping with Ildhafn’ form is ready to be used.


Continuing to put up pictures for the officers/Contacts page as they come in.


Going slow on the site until the new B&B come in, so that they can have input into any changes that might be made.

Cluain and Drupal


The Seneschal advised that the Cluain Webwright was looking to transfer to WordPress, and has some knowledge as to how to do this.

-  Archery (not present to report)


Archery – doing really well, with a lot of people turning up each Sunday. Kick started by the Winter feast.


Session times going out via FB.



While the Barony does have some arrows, the Archery captain is in the process of collating quotes for a future proposal to buy lightweight bows for beginners.

6. Past Events:

- Weekend A&S Workshop #2  (Christine)

Was amazing an amazing weekend, it was very successful with 12 people there sewing or helping to sew. Thank you to all of the people who helped out. It was nice being in an environment where people were enthusiastic and helpful.

Initially there was uncertainty as to how many people would be attending, with only one person filling out the booking form from what Christine could tell. Other people advised that they had filled out the form, but doesn’t seem to have been recorded. 

7. Upcoming Events:

-Weekend workshops 24th/25th September & October 15th/16th October

Unfortunately, the usual person who gets the site key won’t be available for the September workshop, Christine will get the key instead.

The focus will be helping people with garb, setting up for the weekend etc. The following one after that will be just before Coronation.

After that, if there is still interest, we can continue to run them, perhaps every second month for a full weekend alternating with a single day event the next month. It was great having the fighters there, both for those looking to authorise and for those interested so they could ask questions. Having it in a different space where we have lots of families coming and going was good promotion as well, Domenego didn’t think any members of the public came over to the fighting.

-Stocktake – 10th September

Next weekend – Giacoma and Christine can handle, Etain will also be around to help.

Elyna advised that they take a look at what can be culled (offered to the populace) or taken to the op-shop. There was at least one box of children’s gear, toys etc. bin that. The stocktake was primarily intended to inform Cluain of what might be available to borrow for Coronation.

Workshop for Newcomers / Q&A (Demenego)

An online Q&A to help newcomers prepare for Coronation and for other SCA purposes. It would be good if we could have a Royal peer or similar attend as well. Would help people prepare for court and understand the protocols. It was decided to approach Countess Beatrice as she’s run similar workshops at Festival. Dates and plan still to be verified with the Seneschal.

Crescent Isles Anniversary

A call had just gone out for a group to host the 25th Anniversary of the Crescent Isles joining Lochac.  Seneschals were given an early heads up that this was coming. Could put in a multi group bid, or just an Ildhafn bid. The event would be in May 2023. Also seeking bids for Coronation, also in May. Bids for the Anniversary event are due by Oct 2022, and those for Coronation by the end of Sept 2022.

Could do some stuff online. Telethon-like events.

Summer Event

Time to start looking at the Summer event. Etain and Christine volunteered to make a start on that.

Hamlet Camp

Email arrived from the Hamlet head-person, they were not looking to have an official event but if anyone wants to join them the proto-hamlet will be camping 14th-16th Oct.

There was some discussion about Hamlets and whether or not they could have official events. Aveline volunteered to be available if the Hamlet has questions about being a Hamlet (with Aveline residing within a Hamlet herself).

8. Other Business:



Money for Mordenvale - $500 capped, will piggy back off of the Southron Gaard donation to reduce fees. Thank you to Domenego for chasing that up.



Motion – $NZ500.00 + fees (Capped inclusive of exchange rate so approx. 450AU) to SG to send through to Mordenvale. Moved by Domenego and Seconded by Elyna. Unanimous.

Canterbury Faire encampment


Location – of the options provided, prefer under the trees.


Kitchen tent – uncertain what this will look like at present


Potential cost changes


A small increase was made to the Fish and Chip run to cover higher prices at the shop.


Decided not to offer group sanitiser or masks, this needs to go on the booking form that attendees should bring their own.

Archery equipment purchase



Next meeting

9. Date of next meeting: 1 October 2022.

10. Meeting close: at 2:05pm.

Minutes written byAveline


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