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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - May 2022

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on May 29, 2022 - 4:09pm


Minutes dated 7 May 2022

Meeting opened at 1.06pm

Venue: Zoom meeting online

Attendees: Christine (Seneschal), Giacoma (Chatelaine), Domenego (Reeve), Aveline (Webminister), Etain (Herald), Isabell (A&S officer), Trudie, Elyna (Chronicler, Quartermaster).


1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: None.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting:

Giacoma moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (April 2022 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Elyna, vote was in favour, motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes: None.

5. Officer Reports:

- Seneschal (Christine):

Herald handover has taken place. On Monday just gone, Christine spoke to those forming a Hamlet, that is its own agenda item. Also considering options for a site for Winter Event, and there a couple of other plans to talk to under Upcoming Events.

- Reeve (Domenego):

Balance still $6,783.01, no change since last report. Credit at Hunua Falls site has been used as we are rebooked to use the venue. Domesday report was submitted in due course.

Signatories for account: matter is still with SCANZ Treasurer.

Xero has been rolled out as planned, still some tweaks to be made by SCANZ Treasurer.

- Herald (Etain):

Handover has happened. Three submissions have been sent off for personal devices.

- Webminster (Aveline):

Likewise, handover has happened.

- Chatelaine (Giacoma):

Received an email from an interested person and also went through the loaner gear. Plans are afoot for some events pointed at newcomers.

- Chronicler (Elyna):

Nothing new, still intending to put out another issue forthwith. Submissions welcome from all.

- Marshal (Emrys):

Quarterly was submitted by email.

- Captain of Archers (Ahmed)

Christine has spoken to Ahmed and fortnightly archery is starting up again tomorrow.

- A&S Officer (Isabel)

Handover hasn’t taken place officially yet. There has been an online weekly A&S gathering facilitated by Melissa and Nathanael.

6. Past Events:

- Easter Camp in Cluain, none in Ildhafn.

7. Upcoming Events:

- Dance workshop:

Hoping for June date. Christine and Giacoma are preparing a proposal.

- Craft event:

Christine and Trudie have been talking about the Scout Hall in Howick and are looking to run a mini-collegium weekend type thing from say 10-4pm on 2-3rd July, free of charge, cost to group $30 to cover expenses. Self-catered. Any garb making projects, crafts and things aimed at new people.

- Winter Event:

Looking at late July, Christine and Giacoma are preparing a proposal. There are a couple of options for venues, Hunua is one, but there are a couple of others. Hoping to make it an overnight/weekend thing rather than just an evening.

-  Summer Event 2022:

Venue is booked for 24th-26th November, deposit is paid. We will need to reach out to the populace advising that we seek a stewarding team.

8. Other Business:

- New Hamlet:

Christine moves that we approve the new Hamlet, Elyna seconds, all in favour, motion carried.

Next it needs to be announced in Court.

- Mordenvale Appeal:


The Barony of Mordenvale has suffered massive losses from a fire and we would like to offer a donation, to be determined.

It was agreed that we should ask the populace for their thoughts.


- Zoom links on Facebook:


Question arose whether posting a zoom link to Facebook is contrary to social media guidelines, it appears it is not. The group is a private group, and the email list is a subscription/opt-in list; and any misbehaving people can be kicked off the meeting.


- Coronation


Cluain has asked the populace to clarify where all their club gear is currently held, and we are going to inventory the Ildhafn club gear so they know what we can offer them.

9. Date of next meeting: 4 June 2022.

10. Meeting close: at 2.03 pm.

Minutes written by Elyna.

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