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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - August 2021

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on August 22, 2021 - 4:18pm



Minutes dated 14 August 2021


Meeting opened at 1.07pm


Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminster/Social Media), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine, Chronicler), Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer).




1. Opening and Welcome: by the Senescal


2. Apologies: Domenego (Reeve).


3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Sympkyn moved the the minutes from the previous meeting (July 2021 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Ludwig, vote was in favour, motion carried.


4. Matters Arising from the Minutes: None


5. Officer Reports:


- Seneschal (incl. Reeve) (Ludwig)


Big task is still sorting the bank account, the Reeve & I need to talk about it. Our options are to change provider, or to open a sub-account under the SCANZ account.


Master Domenego as Reeve has sent me a long list of unresolved items that need to be sorted, so that is a bit daunting and something that needs tidying up as soon as possible.


I wanted to talk about the “Announce” email list; everyone is automatically signed up to it. All events that go on the official database are advertised on this list. It has been proposed that we have an automated reminder for events, so I am seeking feedback on whether people think this is a good idea.


Regarding upcoming Canterbury Faire; we need a contact for Ildhafn in terms of who’s coming. I will advertise to see who is interested in helping with this role shortly.


- Webminster (Ludwig)

As previously discussed I raised the issue about the group’s social media policy being unclear, that has gone up the line so I’m waiting for a reply from Kingdom level.


I’ve been fiddling with the website to improve the interface, for instance the number of menus has been greatly reduced. I’m also trying to tidy up the back end, e.g. old event proposals… there’s a bunch of stuff that is either buried or just unlinked to which I need to think about what to do with. Maybe I’ll tidy them all away into the “Group Resources” section. I’m still welcoming suggestions on how to arrange the pages. We talked about keeping the initial views simple and welcoming for newcomers, but hadn’t really talked about further details.

(General group discussion on website and aesthetics.)


- Reeve (Trent)

No further report than that included in Seneschal’s report.


- Herald (Maximilian)

No report.


- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)

Not much has changed since my last. Lost and found still to be advertised, will ask people to claim by Summer Event, otherwise will be donated.


- Chateleine (Elyna)

Quarterly report was submitted on August 1st.

Dancing classes are happening again this term, our newcomers are enthusiastic. Still not a big enough core group to warrant hiring a hall, although I have looked at a couple.


- Chronicler (Elyna)

The first journal has been published, I have called it “The Ildhafn Saga”, in keeping with the old norse name of the barony. Has only been out a few days so haven’t had any feedback yet, I hope I will hear some as it would be good to know what the populace think of it, and what people would like in future.

I realised that publishing in August actually made a lot more sense because then the quarters would be November and then February, which is much better than trying to get an issue out in either December or January.


- A&S Officer (Griete)

My quarterly report just happened also; dancing has started again as Elyna says, and Scribal Arts has been happening weekly too.

In terms of the Performing Arts Competition, I have been thinking about how to proceed but have been unwell recently so haven’t had the capacity to get much done.

Singing has also been on the radar, we had a session at a recent Stuff Day and we had planned to do more. I will advertise that as a feature of the upcoming September Stuff Day.


6. Past Events:



7. Upcoming Events:


- Summer Event

We need Stewards still. We also might have to shoulder-tap specific people who may be willing to undertake certain roles, for example a feast cook, that sort of thing.

Sympkyn: I am in discussion with Miles, the seneschal of Darton, about some of his locals coming up to Summer Event, to take part in the rapier and heavy tournaments.

Ludwig: We could put the event in the Official (Seneschal’s) Database as soon as we have an Event Steward, then people know it’s happening and can book flights. But I can advertise the dates on Facebook etc. immediately at least.

(General discussion on making the stewarding role easier for newer stewards. Discussed creating a cheat sheet on what is required to make an event happen. Discussed advertising a session/talk on the subject at the next Stuff Day, Griete said she would put a notice out to this effect.)


8. Other Business: None.


9. Date of next meeting: 4th September 2021.


10. Meeting closed at 2.04pm.


Minutes written by Elyna Delynor.

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