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Dancing for beginners - Term 2 of 2021 - class #4

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on June 16, 2021 - 11:46am

Dancing for beginners - Term 2 of 2021 - class #4

Date: 11th June 2021

This series of blog posts is to act as a reminder to those who were at the class. Further questions can be directed to Elyna. Instead of referring to genders I will be speaking of Partner-A and Partner-B. If a man and a woman are dancing together, the man will be Partner-A and the woman Partner-B.

All revision this class! Rather than reiterating full details, I will link to the previous class posts where complete information is given:

French bransles:

Single Bransle, a.k.a. Knot Bransle.

Pinagay Bransle

Washerwoman’s Bransle

Scottish Bransle

English Old Measures:

Earl of Essex Measure

Italian dances:

Petit Vriens


As always, feel free to ask any questions!


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