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Ildhafn Committee Meeting Minutes - May 2021

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on May 23, 2021 - 3:03pm


Minutes dated 1 May 2021

Meeting opened at 1.12pm

Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminster/Chronicler), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine), Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer), Emrys Tudor (Marshal) (via Zoom), Maximilian von Monsterburg (Herald), Eleanor Hall (Reeve), Domenego Ferrante di Aldobrando.


1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.

2. Apologies: (none received.)

3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Ludwig moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (April 2021 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Sympkyn, vote was in favour, motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes

5. Officer Reports:

- Seneschal (Ludwig)
This is a new quarter with new reporting deadlines, thank you to those who have reported. Those still to submit reports, please do so.

We are in the process of choosing a new Reeve and have received two applications, one from Damien of Southron Gaard, and one from Master Domenego. I am running the process, but the final decision will be made by the Acting Deputy Exchequer. I will get the commentary period started as soon as possible, which will go for the usual two weeks. I am sincerely grateful to both applicants.

I wrote a job description for the position of chronicler and posted it to the committee email list, is everyone happy with it? (general assent.) That being the case I will go ahead and advertise the job.

Elyna, you originally were interested in the role, would you like to start the first publication while we go through the official process of filling the position?

Elyna: When do you want the first edition out by?

Sympkyn: If we coincide it with Baronial Anniversary then say late June?

Ludwig: Yes, it could come out just after we have the Anniversary event perhaps.

Elyna: Ok. Let’s discuss specific content later.

- Webminster/Chronicler (Ludwig)

I plan to revive the method for officers to submit quarterly reports on the website, as they are then accessible to me and to anyone else who wants to view them.

Regarding last month’s discussion on the position of Social Media officer, I am inclined to combine the role with another officer position rather than making it a separate reporting officer, given the size of our group. However, we would have to be very clear about whose responsibility it would become, this role must remain a separate thing from the existing position and follow the Kingdom ruleset.

Sympkyn: It seems sensible that the roles that would merge well with a Social Media officer are either Chronicler, Webminster, or Chatelaine.

Max: I suggest we consider making a Facebook page as well as the existing Facebook group.

Ludwig: Ok for now I will take on Social Media Officer as part of the Webminster position.

Elyna: We were asked to decrease the number of Facebook moderators to three, who do you suggest should stay as well as you, given they need to be existing officers? I am happy to volunteer as one.

Eleanor: I am happy to also.

Ludwig: Ok that’s confirmed.

Elyna: Now that we have been given specific guidelines, we can publish them on the Facebook group, and this will give members an idea of what is appropriate.

- Reeve (Eleanor):
The last quarterly report is in the hands of Thorvald. We still need to sort out the Bank Account, but given that will involve changing signatories, it seems best to defer that process until after the new Reeve has been appointed.

- Herald (Maxilian)

Nothing to report.

- Chatelaine (Elyna)

Have just done quarterly report. Loaner gear was used and new people came to the last tourney, and a new dance class has been planned, but I’ll let Griete talk about that.

- Marshal (Emrys)

We’re doing stuff; rapier, armoured/heavy, and archery are all happening.

Rapier: We tried a new venue through “NZ Stage Combat School”, the first evening was successful-ish (they didn’t leave it very tidy), then the second evening he failed to let us in. There was supposed to be a lockbox and it wasn’t there, so we went to the pub and discussed fencing instead. We decided that the next term will have an English focus, Saviolo and Silver. In trying to follow up with the venue guy to clarify things, I found that he has gone ahead and booked Tuesdays to someone else, and instead offered us Wednesdays. This isn’t a great option as at least one regular can’t do Wednesday. I’m discussing with Christine about the possibility of using the hall at the Diocesan School where she works. It has better ceiling height so that would be suitable for rapier and heavy. I will make a call on Monday as to how we proceed, we may be forced to have this week off while we figure out what is happening.

Heavy: Practices have been happening on Sunday mornings in Cornwall Park. I haven’t been able to be there yet but I do plan to.

Sympkyn: We have Rudiger ‘booked’ to come up for six more sessions officially, I think, it has been a bit disjoined. I hope we can keep going further than the 10 sessions originally planned, the weather will be the biggest hurdle as the year progresses. Also we have had an offer by Sir Phillipe to come up from Southron Gaard to do a training weekend with us, and I spoke to him about it when I was there last weekend. I have been discussing with Rudiger as to whether that should be in Cluain or Ildhafn, this has yet to be ascertained.

- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)

Our stuff is still there. One box is breaking, and a couple are stuck together, so I need to tidy the storage system up and possibly get some replacement boxes. We’ve been gradually getting rid of the stuff that this committee identified as not required. The tablecloths were washed and stored away after the last event.

Eleanor: I discovered I still have a box of tabards at my house.

Sympkyn: Thanks, if you bring them over sometime we’ll take them off your hands.

I also touched base with Aleynora about the silk banner, she ran out of dye so is chasing materials, the project is still in progress.

Ludwig: I would like to put a budget in place for the Quartermaster.

- A&S Officer (Griete)

The A&S survey is officially closed and I have the results as they stand, however it is technically still online so if anyone still wants to submit last minute they can. There are a few things that I will try to action for the performing arts challenge. And there are a few other things people have said they are able to teach which I will try to make happen.

I had a chat with Gisle, who is the A&S officer in Southron Gaard, about us working together in terms of teaching, sharing knowledge, and suchlike.

Elyna has offered to teach a dancing class for beginners, starting in term two, so this coming week. As it is currently a very small group, the classes will be held at her house, at least initially.

I would like to get scribal sessions happening, does anyone have any ideas for venues, for scribal stuff or dance or anything else?

Elyna: Avondale Hall used to be a good option but it has become busy, when I enquired they were pretty heavily booked.

Ludwig: There was a venue on the North Shore that we had a feast at some years ago… in Northcote I think, possibly a church hall.

Sympkyn: There was that place that Vittoria did a collegium, in Birkdale. Also the hall we tried for fencing, as mentioned by Emrys earlier.

Eleanor: Also we have space downstairs at our house, which would be suitable for a scribal session.

Griete: Wow thank you. I will have a chat with you after the meeting.

Max: I will check with work if there are meeting rooms we can use.

Griete: Is anyone else interested in running a collegium type thing?

Ludwig: It’s true that we haven’t had one in a while.

Elyna: Sympkyn and I are going to the Cluain Newcomers’ Event next weekend, we will be taking notes in terms of ideas that would potentially work in the city environs too, and yes we could look at doing something similar up here. Let’s revisit the idea after next weekend, and in the meantime we could talk by email about putting something together.

Captain of Archers (Ahmed)

Ludwig: No report received, but we see that archery is happening fortnightly.

Sympkyn: We’re currently making new targets. Isabell was talking about trying some horse archery in the future.

6. Past Events:

- St Valentine’s Day Massacre (Max) 

The report has been submitted for the committee’s review and can be found here: Apologies that this report is very delayed from when I should have filed it.

Elyna: I understand that Gideon was running the event on the day given you weren’t there, and he didn’t realise a sign-in sheet was necessary? Has there been any update on that front? 

Max: Not really. I only just found that out yesterday. 

Ludwig: In future if you find yourself in that position, please let us know about it as soon as possible, as the situation could have been made easier with a bit of notice.

Max: I will, apologies. 

Ludwig: In terms of the report before the committee, are we happy to accept it?

(General assent.) Ok that report is accepted, and the appropriate payments can be set up.

7. Upcoming Events:

- Baronial Anniversary in June (Ludwig)

As mentioned in previous meetings I had a few bites but unfortunately there has been no follow up, so I haven’t received any proposals.

Eleanor: Shall we just do a potluck? (General assent.)

Sympkyn: I can deputy or co-steward something.

Ludwig: We will need a venue. The anniversary date is roughly 21 June, so let’s plan for either the 19th or 26th, both being Saturdays.

Eleanor: I will email the Henderson venue that we’ve used before and see if it’s available, and I’ll c.c. in Sympkyn so between us we can set it up.

Ludwig: Griete, would you please check with the venues you are contacting too, in terms of those dates, in case we need other options.

- Summer Event

Ludwig: We need to start finding a steward for this.

Sympkyn: The Hunua venue emailed me to see if we want to confirm our pencil-booked dates for 19-21 November, which are the dates we agreed on at a previous meeting.

Ludwig: Are we all in favour of confirming those dates in spite of not having an event proposal yet? (General assent.) Ok Sympkyn, please go ahead and confirm with them, thanks.

8. Other Business:

- Meetup invoice

Elyna: William de Cameron emailed last month that the invoice for Meetup had rolled around again. Do we still want to maintain this, is it still working for us? If so, there are again a whole bunch of admin/moderators on the account, we should tidy that up if we are to continue using it.

Sympkyn: Archery and rapier are on it, at least one archery person found us through Meetup, and a couple of rapier people too.

Griete: I think it’s worth keeping. We could probably use it more than we do at the moment.

Ludwig: Sounds like it’s worth renewing then. When William gives us the amount due, we will go ahead and pay it. With that in mind I move that we commit to another term of Meetup and pay the account accordingly.

Elyna: Seconded.

Ludwig: (Calls for vote, vote is in favour.)

9. Date of next meeting: 5 June 2021

10. Meeting closed at 2.16pm

Minutes written by Elyna Delynor.

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