Minutes dated 27 March 2021
Meeting opened at 1.12pm
Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminster/Chronicler), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine), Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer), Emrys Tudor (Marshal) (via Zoom), Maximilian von Monsterburg (Herald) (via Zoom).
1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.
2. Apologies: Eleanor Hall.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Sympkyn moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (March 2021 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Ludwig, vote was in favour, motion carried.
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes
- Bank Account (Ludwig):
I have been directed to the new deputy Exchequer in terms ascertaining the way forward. It has been suggested that many groups prefer dealing with Westpac.
5. Officer Reports:
- Seneschal (Ludwig)
I’ve circulated the change to the reporting dates, in short, most people’s reporting date has been shifted from 15th to 1st. This is a kingdom level change.
We still need a new Reeve. I have received two applications so far. I will discuss with Exchequer about when to formally close the application.
- Webminster/Chronicler (Ludwig)
We were nudged by Kingdom about our requirement for a Chronicler. In the past Ildhafn has combined the role with Webminster but this hasn’t always been made clear in terms of reporting to Kingdom. This might need revisiting.
Sympkyn: In the past there has been overlap in the role, in terms of the ‘newsletter’ being the Barony's website, but the webminster role has become more about the functionality of the site rather than the content.
- Reeve (Eleanor):
No report.
- Herald (Maxilian)
I didn’t make it to the last few events. I am still to submit a report for the last event.
- Chatelaine (Elyna)
I have been in touch with the Kingdom Social Media Officer as discussed at the last meeting, and they have sent me the Social Media Terms and Conditions, and a job description for the role of group Social Media Officer. (Elyna summarised the contents for those present.) I am making these documents available on the website for the committee to read:
· SM Officer job description:
· Lochac Online Community Guidelines:
General discussion on the role of SM Officer/Chronicler/Webminster, overlap and job separation:
- The Facebook group has almost taken on the role of the website in that many people can contribute. It is understood that the idea behind the website is that many people should contribute but the reality is that they don’t for various reasons.
- The website should have the purpose of being an informative first contact for new people and then have the back end/login members only part. The first contact part should be as clean and unconfusing as possible with as few menu tabs as possible.
- The website’s calendar should be kept current. Griete is currently taking that on at the moment but it shouldn't just be her job.
Sympkyn: The barony clearly used to have a newsletter. Elyna and I like the idea of having a quarterly newsletter, like a compact version of the Kingdom newsletter “Pegasus”.
Ludwig: I shall advertise for a Chronicler, with the job description detailing the creation of a quarterly newsletter. It would be presumably be distributed digitally, would a pdf version be best?
Max: Southron Gaard have found that the problem with pdfs is they are not indexable.
Griete: Viewing an A4 pdf on a phone can be difficult.
Sympkyn: There are various technical ways around various problems, and we can discuss them in due course.
- Marshal (Emrys)
So, things have been happening. Rapier practices on Tuesday night in the park has been good, our last night will be next week because of daylight savings ending. I have a possible venue on the North Shore at $20 per hour. I believe Sympkyn was also looking at alternatives.
Sympkyn: I got some options from the Auckland Council. Many were too distant but there were three that had potential.
Emrys: It’s always a matter of weighing up location vs cost.
Sympkyn: Yep the prices do range, and there are some discounts for booking in bulk and being a community group. The venue will need a high ceiling to be suitable for fencing in. I will email you (Emrys) and we can discuss further.
Emrys: Ok, given this Tuesday is the last week in the park we do need to let people know as soon as possible.
Also, I now have some spearheads so that will be added to our repertoire. I will be obtaining some rattan, as I will be travelling to Christchurch soon. Do the heavy/armoured fighters need any?
Sympkyn: I brought some back from CF which hasn’t all been used yet. So not right now thanks.
Ludwig: I would like a spear please!
Emrys: Ok cool. In terms of current turnout, our numbers are usually at about four or five for rapier, peaking at seven. Heavy is about four people not including Rudiger (who is the trainer at the moment). Archery is around three or four people.
- Quartermaster (Sympkyn)
Nothing new to report.
- A&S Officer (Griete)
We have had about 15 answers to the survey, which closes soon.
Last week on Tuesday, Elyna, Sympkyn, and I were invited to visit a Rangers group in St Lukes, and it was great. There were about a dozen girls aged from about 12 to 16, we did some period dancing with them, and then set up calligrapy and illumination for them to try. They enjoyed it a lot, and we found it good to practice demo-ing to strangers.
6. Past Events:
None. Still awaiting the report for St Valentine’s Day.
7. Upcoming Events:
- Baronial Anniversary in June (Ludwig)
Nothing has been followed up yet. I will keep prodding and hopefully a proposal will come soon.
- Picnic (Elyna)
No progress sorry.
8. Other Business:
9. Date of next meeting: 1st May 2021
10. Meeting closed at 2.18pm
Minutes written by Elyna Delynor.