Minutes dated 5 December 2020
Meeting opened at 1.12 pm
Attendees: Ludwig von Regensburg (Seneschal, Webminster), Sympkyn of the Moor (Quartermaster), Elyna Delynor (Chatelaine), Eleanor Hall (Reeve), Maximilian von Monsterburg (Herald), Mathias Hall, Gideon Massingberd, Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer), Ahmed (Captain of Archers), Emrys Tudor (Marshal) via Zoom, Griete van Groningen (A&S Officer).
1. Opening and Welcome: by the Seneschal.
2. Apologies: (none).
3. Minutes of the previous meeting: Ludwig moved that the minutes from the previous meeting (November 2020 – link: be accepted by this meeting. Seconded by Maximilian, vote was in favour, motion carried.
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes
5. Officer Reports: Quarterly reports were this month so reports not needed today.
6. Past Events:
Summer Event (Ludwig):
The event happened and no injuries or damage were reported, the event report will be finalised shortly.
Sympkyn: I have recorded the awards given, Crown has handled the paperwork for the Kingdom awards, and I noted the Baronial award on the website.
Ludwig: I haven’t finished the financials but will do so shortly.
Sympkyn: We have done the laundry.
Ludwig: Invoice us for that I will reimburse you. Christine needs reimbursing for the food as she covered all of that. There seems to be a discrepancy regarding the number of people we were charged for by the venue vs people who booked and signed in, not sure what happened there.
Sympkyn: I don’t think we get charged for the Friday in case that helps.
Ludwig: I will have to go back and double check numbers. We need to pay the final invoice for the venue, it’s not much. There are some problems with the standard booking form, a few things could be done in a better way, so I will make a new form now for the next time so that I don’t forget.
Sympkyn: The custodians had a great time, it was great to include them and they like us as a group.
Ludwig: I opted not to charge anyone a late fee as we were covered financially.
Elyna: Maybe we should look at booking the venue for the next Summer Event.
Griete: We haven’t decided exactly when we want to have the Performance Competition closing event, whether at next Summer Event or another event... should I consider running an extra event for this?
Ludwig: That is an option yes, it doesn’t need to be at Summer Event, it can be, but it doesn’t have to be.
Max: If you want someone else to run help the event I could probably help.
Griete: There will be online info on the website once things are finalised.
7. Upcoming Events:
Summer Event (Ludwig):
Which shall we book the venue for next Summer Event?
Sympkyn: We’ll try for 3rd weekend in November, I will enquire with them. We can pencil-book without committing financially.
St Valentine’s Day Massacre (Max & Gideon):
Max: I have borrowed previous event proposals, I don’t know if the costs of venue have changed, I will need to confirm that.
Eleanor: I am in contact with the venue, I will put you in touch with them.
Max: As per the event proposal, we’re looking at a rapier tourney followed by an informal potluck. I will be in touch with experienced cooks to talk about the option of covering out-of-towners in terms of the potluck side of things. Don Ludwig has agreed to be rapier wrangler, I would like someone to wrangle music/performance and such.
Griete: I could do that.
Max: Cool thanks. I have introduced student pricing and reduced pricing for community services card holders. I also want to offer a tourney only rate so that we can draw in casual people and/or LARPers. I will extend advertising to Darton and Southron Gaard, as well as other groups.
Ludwig: That all sounds great. Pending the cost confirmation, I move that we accept the event proposal.
Elyna: Seconded.
Ludwig: Vote is all in favour, motion carried.
8. Other Business:
Heavy Armoured Trophy (Sympkyn):
The new trophy has been created and was awarded at Summer Event. I have receipts to be reimbursed.
Signatories (Eleanor):
Signatories still need to be changed as previously proposed.
Sympkyn: Yes, we are doing that, we have the proposed changes minuted.
Ludwig: We are going to the bank straight after this meeting.
Canterbury Faire (Ludwig):
William de Cameron is arranging a camp steward. He is sorting it out.
9. Date of next meeting: 6 March 2021
10. Meeting closed at 13.54pm
Minutes written by Elyna Delynor.