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Ildhafn January 2018 council meeting minutes

Submitted by Eleanor Hall on January 7, 2018 - 7:18pm

Ildhafn January 2018 council meeting agenda

Attendees: Nicola , Elize , Shannon , David , Wendy , Ian , Nora , Agate , Phil, Chantelle

Apologies: Rob

Officer Briefs /Reports:

Chatelaine: Current aim is to go through the existing Chatelaine gear and inventory what is there, organise feast gear into individual kits, buy bags to put these in and label them as “Ildhafn”. We have some newcomers (to regular activities through MeetUp), so would like to see a local event they can come to soon, but due to work Shannon can’t currently plan something myself. Shannon to check stock of business cards and see if we need to reorder these.

A&S: People are doing stuff regardless. Would like to see people doing more classes, not necessarily competitions but maybe prepping for competitions - potentially a couple of classes/workshops around it. Communicating upcoming competitions more widely would be useful. B&B keen to add an A&S Champion to the mix. Not necessarily best at what is produced, but based on work/effort/contribution being worthy of note. Idea would be to keep people doing new stuff and sharing what they’re doing.

Herald: Wendy and Chantelle have names to submit, Shannon has a name and device to submit. Fiona is submitting the blue lymphad registration on our behalf, as this was never done originally, for use as a populace badge. Chantelle will probably have some more time in March for the role.

Marshal: Nicola to cut and paste

Reeve: Now has all the information necessary to write the report. Yay! Nicola will ask Thorald for an extension through to the end of the month, but Elize is aiming to complete the report by Friday 12/01/2018.

Web: Mostly just continuing as usual. Currently attempting to fix the gallery, and teaching people how to do it. Website has been very quiet in the last year, as people aren’t putting things on the website due to FB. Will try to run a training session after CF. Mailing list archives are now working again properly. Ian is still happy to help out with trying to fix back end stuff and set stuff up on it. David Maclagan is the current back-up person for the site, and knows who to talk to to get access to the physical boxes.

Rapier: Planning on doing the same thing as for the last couple of terms of the year. Will run to school term times, starting after CF. Has contacted the hall to continue using it, and will carry on advertising on MeetUp as this is working well.

Archery: Continues to happen, but no actual SCA people coming. No-one has mentioned a reason for not attending. Usually gets Elize and some people from MeetUp. Thinking of changing the time to be more in the afternoon, but early morning may work better - maybe 10am. Nora to post to the list for discussion. Several people have a gazebo, which could be useful to provide shade. None this month due to timing.

Seneschal: Lots happening. Checking in with people, touching base with officers. Confirming who is a member, whose memberships have recently expired that may not have noticed. Also trying to encourage people to run events.

Quartermaster: Everything is back :) In place and mostly tidy- I might tape up the floor so event stewards know where things go as some is sticking out a bit far.

We are potentially going to have a more crowded space- there may be a car in the car part of the garage. But not for a few months at the very least plenty of time to get a head's up if the space gets very crowded.

Just a reminder though to people borrowing gear to make sure it is all clean before it gets here, once here it is storage. I will not be able to go through the boxes which means all items go as they are to the next event. So anything wet will stay wet, anything not cleaned will stay not cleaned. And between events that can turn into muck.

Additional: Some stuff still with David. Request is to return stuff in a storable state. Last instant ice pack used at St Cath’s. Need a stock take done.


Previous event

-St Catherine’s Faire

Final payment received for St Cath’s. Overpaid by $1. Report updated.

Two outstanding payments to be made.

Council accepted the report.

Upcoming events:

-Canterbury Faire campsite organisation

 Brian de Kafta is running the campsite. A sign up form has been posted to the list and to the FB page. $17, or $30 for a family to contribute to cost of travel. For Reeve purposes, this is recorded as a mini event, with money coming in from contributors and being distributed to those that bear the infrastructure costs.

 Separate form for buns, due today.


Upcoming events

-Newcomers event

Wendy and Chantelle are looking at putting together a picnic for February. There are existing proposals for similar events that can probably be cloned.

-St Sebs rain day Pub Night

Nicola is organising this.

-Hastilude Rip-off

B&B keen to get something going in Auckland again, that’s not specifically A&S focus but can include anything.

Looking at running it monthly on the first Saturday of the month from 2pm. Nicola is keen to include Council meetings at the start. Could also then be after archery, potentially.

Decision to send it to the list for name suggestions for a week, and then voted on.

Council is happy for Ian and Wendy to go ahead with hosting it, and the first unnamed one to be run on Saturday 3 February.

-History nights

Will happen. Nicola is bogged down, but has two offers to do them - Chantelle and Agate - so these will happen, with probably the first one in April.

-2019 Demo

Will touch on this each month and build with it. Figure out who our target audience is, and how we’re pulling in other people, etc.


-St Caths


These would all be good to have this year. One person has expressed some interest in running a Bloth. Would be good to have at least those events this year. St Cath’s needs to start being planned now.

Good idea to pencil book Hunua Falls for the right dates, and then find a steward. 23rd to 25th November doesn’t clash with Labour Weekend.

Advantage of camping St Cath’s is out-of-towners attending, but can be just a picnic or feast.

Labour Weekend at Ed’s may not happen this year, may be NAAMA instead.

Council agreed to pencil booking the site, and to booking one weekend further out to the first weekend of December if first date choice not available. David to send Nicola the details on how to get in touch with Hunua Falls, and Nicola to pencil book.

Collegium to be posted to the lists.

- Preview of Globe Theatre Shows

Comedy of Errors 19 February (Monday), 21 February (Wednesday), 22 February (Thursday)

Macbeth 5 February (Monday), 6 February (Tuesday), 8 February (Thursday)

Nicola to talk to Chantelle about these, and to be organised on the email lists.


Other Business

-Change of Signatories on the SCA - Barony of Ildhafn bank account

Current signatories are Al , Katherine , Nadia , Patrick

New signatories to be Elize , Nicola , Ian , Agate

The Ildhafn Council approved the change over of signatories on 07 January 2018.

Nicola to organise the changeover.


-Names of events / activities

Nicola would like us to consider changing the way we name events. We may put people off given the names of our events often include saints’ names.

Could just call them the Winter Event and the Summer Event and let people name them each year to suit the theme or type of event that they’re running.

Council was in agreement that it was a good idea to change names, and that now is a good time to do this.

Nicola would also like to change the Council meeting name. Monthly Committee Meeting was suggested.

Council decided now to call itself the Ildhafn Committee, with a monthly committee meeting going forward. It was also decided to rename our annual events to the annual summer event and the annual winter event, and allow the stewards to name them appropriately.

Nicola will email the lists and post on the website and FB with the renaming decision. Ian (and Wendy/Nicola?) will go to the next Cluain Council meeting to update them on why we’re renaming them.

-CF shipping container update

Waiting on the final invoice for this.

-Meetup & advertising

MeetUp is working well for us. We need to load things onto it for this year. Wendy will talk to David about how to upload Music onto it. The monthly get together and History Nights will go up there too.

David is quite happy to put major/one-off events up, and to assist regular organisers of recurring things, but his preference for those is that they do these as event organisers so that they can act as contact for it.

-possible Hamilton Museum activity

They may be interested in doing some sort of history thing, but it does appear to be slightly more Greek. The exhibition is running from March to July 2018. Predominantly a Cluain thing, but if we can go down and help out it would be appreciated.


Reeve report is due 15 Jan, all others are due on 15 Feb.

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