Music session - 19th September 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elyna Delynor, bray harp
James of the Crescent Isles, harp - crash course style :)
Tunes played:
We had a new player start today with his first In At The Deep End harp lesson so to begin with there were kind of two groups, one being Harp Tutorial 101 Corner. Then we merged it together.
(I'd like to remind beginners that sitting and listening in is a perfectly valid way of participating in these sessions! And there are always extra instruments in this house if you want to just give something a try.)
We ran through the Montarde Bransle for a wee bit and discussed the number of dancers vs number of repeats in the 'A' part. It has been suggested we practice with a different number of pretend dancers each time, to get used to mixing it up and counting on the fly. Counting can sometimes be remarkably difficult.
After that we played Washerwomans Bransle...
Then we played Scots Bransle. All these three are started on a G with B flat in the melody.
Next we had a blat through Lorrayne Almain to make sure we still remembered that annoying little run at the end. Turns out we do, so that's nice.
To finish with we played through a couple of repeats each of:
- Single Bransle,
- Earl of Essex Measures, &
- Black Almain,
before calling it a night.
We'll definitely start with those last three next time and then see where things take us.
Future music sessions will take place on Tuesdays rather than Mondays. NEW VENUE! (email me for address), same time (7.30pm - 9.30pm).
Newcomers are very welcome :)
Elyna Delynor