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Music session - 20th March 2017

Submitted by Elyna Delynor on March 21, 2017 - 6:18pm

Music session - 20th March 2017


Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, harp/bray harp
Yvonne Gywnn, viol

Tunes played:

Il Canario to start with for a bit of a warm up.

Then we learned a new bransle, namely the Pease Bransle. Pretty sure we all did it dotless. Will probably want to thrash it a bit more but it wasn't a particularly challenging one.

Then we had a go at Horses Bransle, also new. A bit of dot-use, but at least some of us are working towards becoming dotless in time. This one is a bit more difficult but we took a good chunk out of it.

Finally we splatted through Cantiga 36, which is sounding rather pretty.

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