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Minutes : June 2016 meeting

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on June 27, 2016 - 9:02am

Held on June 26th, at 7pm, at the seneschals's house.


Katherina Weyssin (Seneschal), William de Cameron (Webwright, A&S), Katherine of Glastonbury (Rapier), Eleanor (Chatelaine)


Bridget (Herald)

Meeting opened: 7:12pm, closed 7:37pm.


Minutes of previous meeting 

(May minutes approved at beginning of June meeting).


Officer reports

On the council mailing list before the meeting, if possible.


Cancelling/postponing Bloth was a good call. All other events going well. Seneschal is seeking new officer - marshal, chatelaine, A&S.


Nothing to report


Please can I have a new officer.


Nothing to report.


Need at least a week's notice to lend garb - time to find it. Need new officer.


Short break from fencing now over. Katherine is going to figure out the current state of hall-hire finances, etc, and report to next meeting.



Past events

$5 more made - Ludwig declined a refund.

Upcoming events - already approved

  • updated Bloth - now Spring Feast - approved

Ready to go, advertising and all.  

Bookings open, underway. Advertising happening.

Upcoming events - tentative, ideas, etc

  • Other - September 17th - save the date note (full proposal later)

People are comfy with this for a tentative event.

  • seeking steward for CF campsite
  • Crescent Fence - Eleanor is planning for 2017; core group from fencers across Crescent Isles are talking

Regular events/practices

  • Monthly A&S - book as is for rest of year, revisit for next year

Fencing, dance (private venture), music, singing, archery: no need to discuss presently, unless brought up at meeting.


Other business

Swords at the museum

Eleanor is negotiating with Auckland museum for a special viewing of their 16th and 17thC weapons. 

Social Sunday

Start in July. 4 or 4:40 to 8pm. Has been advertised.


We're interested in having an established option for having an email-based (or perhaps skype-based) meeting in those months where we have little to discuss (e.g. no new event proposals, reports, or major decisions). Meeting in favour, seneschal will discuss on mailing list. 

On the backburner:

  • Chatelaine gear, Loaner feast gear - cull, assemble into kits, (Eleanor, Katherina, Norina) look into bought vs made bags (Katherina)
  • Signs - William de Cameron working on bases (thanks to Willliam de Wyke for getting the bases); store one with W de C (for A&S) one with Norina (for archery)(check suitability with Isabel)
  • Container 

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