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Minutes : May 2016 meeting

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on May 29, 2016 - 8:07pm

Held on May 29th, at 7pm, at the seneschals's house.


Katherina Weyssin (Seneschal), William de Cameron (Webwright, A&S), Katherine of Glastonbury (Rapier), Norina von Crazykowsky (Captain of Archers)


Eleanor Hall (Chatelaine), Bridget (Herald)

Meeting opened: 7:10pm, closed 7:47pm.


Minutes of previous meeting 

(Approved at opening of June meeting)


Officer reports

On the council mailing list before the meeting, if possible.


All appears to be going well. 


Going well. 


Drupal 7 upgrade after Fimbulwinter. Website will be unavailable for a few days. 

Bloth address redirected to Vettoria.


No applicants, need new officer.

[Note: we also need a new chatelaine and marshal - senescahl to advertise]



Past events

Good report, good event. We liked the salads.

All good. Norina liked the informal schedule - free to do what appealed at each moment, little required structure. We all liked the style of the event. Let's do this one again.

Upcoming events - already approved

Ready to go, advertising and all. Very comfortable with higher/riskier break-even - we can afford to make a small loss. Steward to make her own call. 

Nothing to add. There have been payments.

Upcoming events - proposals

  • Other - possible feast/revel in August or September
  • CF - seeking campsite steward

Nothing to add

Regular events/practices

  • Monthly A&S in June - Queen's birthday weekend - hold it the weekend after
  • Archery - going well, two venues, arrows bought

Fencing, dance (private venture), music, singing: no need to discuss presently, unless brought up at meeting.

Other business

  • Guidelines for meetings - discuss updated version and vote - what counts as quorum, who can vote, etc


Combination lock for quartermaster gear:

Quartermaster (or someone from their house) may spend up to $50 for a lock for shed; group will reimburse.

Social Sunday

Start in July. 4 or 4:40 to 8pm. Check which weekend is intended


Norina will take one to use for Archery. William will keep one for A&S. Rest to Quartermaster.

On the backburner:

  • Chatelaine gear, Loaner feast gear - cull, assemble into kits, (Eleanor, Katherina, Norina) look into bought vs made bags (Katherina)
  • Signs - William de Cameron working on bases (thanks to Willliam de Wyke for getting the bases); store one with W de C (for A&S) one with Norina (for archery)(check suitability with Isabel)
  • Container 

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