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Minutes : March 2016 meeting

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on March 20, 2016 - 5:34pm

 Minutes of the meeting on March 20th, 2016

Present: Katherina Weyssin (seneschal), William de Cameron (A&S, web), Brigit Lewis (herald), Eleanor Hall (chatelaine), Amira de Kent (voice herald), Norina von Crazycowsky (captain of archers). Vettoria attended briefly, via Skype, to report on the upcoming collegium.

Meeting opened 7pm, closed 8:40. ~20 minute break in the middle. 

Minutes of previous meeting 


 Officer reports


New to the office. Very happy with new officers. We're going to try approving minutes section by section, as we go.

Chatelaine (Eleanor)

Nothing new to report.  Time to retire - will advertise next week.



Amira has finally shouted a lot at St Sebs, with grace and panache. 


Rapier Marshal

Captain of Archers

We have a new Captain. New FB page advertising to several groups, including SCA, Argent Court etc. Lots of interest and activity. Ongoing discussion with Isabel to clarify ideal advertising for her property. 

Arts and Sciences

Last report - time to advertise - will do so next week.

About 1/4 of the barony appears to be into music at the moment. This is good. 


Just stepped into role. Major thing coming up is upgrading to Drupal 7, and replacing many the images for more recent ones (Symkin took many at St Sebs). Upgraded site should be better to view on tablets and phones.

Note from Eleanor: she loves our booking form and wants to keep it. 


We have a new one. Yay!


Past events

Ildhafn at CF (finalise) - Katherina has not progressed. The seneschal will tell herself off and report shortly.

Upcoming events - already approved

Collegium  -

11 bookings, deputy is checking payments recieved, about to advertise more. Need 9 more to break even.

Teachers have been asked for blurbs. Classes filled.

Pay for the hall a week out - $100 deposit, rest after.

Dessert revel  -

9 bookings. Likely to pick up after Collegium.

Upcoming events - proposals

St Caths / Bal d'Argent  - review proposal -

Unanimously approved. 

Bloth - seeking steward, etc

Avoid queen's birthday weekend - conflicts with Dunedin event run by Eleanor. August 6th is good for Amira. 

Other? - seeking ideas, stewards, etc

Maybe St Cayetano's, Eleanor. 

Regular events/practices

Monthly A&S at hall - review, discuss future plans - how many to book, what to charge, when to review, run on Queen's birthday weekend?, etc

Decision: stick with this scheme for 3 months (March, April, May) - Avondale Hall, $5 after your first time. Then review price, location, etc.

Kids free (to 18).

Queen's birthday: David to send out feelers for attendance, before a decision on June A&S. 

Social Sunday 

Likely to happen from June (2nd weekend in June, and following 2nd weekends). Details later.


A&S open-home

Katherina (seneschal) to contact William and Catalina about A&S at their place.


Archery planned for April 2, pending venue confirmation. Norina plans for every two weeks, if possible. Timing to be discussed with interested archers. Norina looking into alternative options for venue (just in case, and for flexibility). FB group for people who are missing the emails on the list. Will take names and details of those who attend, for Chatelaine to email about events, and for security (at private location). 

(Fencing, music and singing seem to be doing just fine: no need to discuss. Dancing is a private venture).

Other business

  • Financial committeevote in new financial committee (suggest: signatories + baron/ess)

Approved. Katherina to suggest to SCANZ committee that the financial policy be reviewed, brought into line with practice in local groups. 

  • Guidelines for meetings - discuss and vote - what counts as quorum, who can vote, etc

Discussed, a few clarifications proposed. Katherina to put out revised version before next meeting.

  • Loaner feast gear (bought from Vettoria) - assembling into kits, possible sale to newcomers, making/buying bags

Eleanor, Katherina, Norina, and new Chatelaine to sort into kits. Kits to be avaible to newcomers to borrow, or to buy for $10. Katherina willing to make bags; or investigate commercial printed bags. Thoughts: when people buy, get them to label immediately (sharpie on hand). Two bag colours, one for "lent" and one for "bought".

  • Signs - they need edging, and some work to make signs and bases play nicely together; consider storing some separately for use at A&S, archery, etc.

William de C to edge, etc. Thanks to Willliam de W for bases, etc. 

Store one set with William de W for A&S, one with Norina (or Isabel) for archery, two with quartermaster.

  • Container - Ildhafn may be able to buy and store a container on the CF site (perhaps jointly with Darton) - discuss

All are keen. General preference is for Ildhafn to buy outright then share ongoing costs with Darton in a leasing arrangement (for simplicity); but happy to explore various options. Katherina to discuss with Darton.

  • Archery targets, and loaner gear

We have new archery faces (with quartermaster). Butts will need replacing soonish. Norina to investigate new butts, come back to council will prices, etc. (Katherina to give suggestions for contacts to Norina). Barony will consider buying a substantial stash of loaner arrows: again, Norina to investigate.


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