In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Shannon M. (Herald), Katherine (Web), Amy, Ange
Apologies: Robb (Marshal), Nadia (Rapier), David (A&S), Nicola (Chatelaine)
Absent: Nora (Reeve)
Opened: 7:20
Herald: Nil by mouth.
A&S: Not much to report from the A&S desk; I’ve sent out a request for teachers or desires for classes as we talked about last time. No responses as yet. I’ll prod again this week.
Dancing and music are both happening. People are making stuff.
Webwright: Found a way to make blog posts recur (for Patrick's "On this day" posts).
Chatelaine: The past month has been pretty quiet - I've been in contact with a knight from Canada who will be traveling through NZ in Jan 2016 and wants to catch up with local SCAdians, he will also be at Canterbury Faire.
An email has been sent out to the people who put their emails down but I haven't heard anything back. [Correction: An email has been written but not sent - that's waiting on Patrick]
Our Chatelaine box has been updated - I removed a bunch of old Caid magazines, threw out all of the outdated promotional material and added new stuff.
We now have :
-A pile of bookmarks, I think there are about 70-100 left.
-a bunch of photocopied slips of paper - it's basically our business card run off on a black and white photocopier- these are good for when we're handing out bulk promo material as they're cheap to produce (this lot cost the group nothing as I did it at work) we have about 400 left.
-Two boxes of business cards - 500 cards in total
-a bunch of photographs of people in garb
-a laminated copy of the recent newspaper article on the group.
-two clip boards
-a couple of pens
-a roll of electrical tape
Seneschal / Matters Arising:
Expecting two bids for St Caths. One application for Reeve received - it's with Exchequer. CostumeCon went well enough - not as many people attended as we might have hoped, but probably still worthwhile. Thanks to Nicola and Ange for all their work.
Past Events
Upcoming Events
Labour Day (Patrick): David W. has asked what we would like to make at the Labour Day event. We still don't know how much space we will have at CF site and how much it will cost. Going back to our original plans, we want a table & benches, sized to sit four each side. Reproducable tables so we can make more in future such that they can be lined up to accommodate more people (same height, width). Hanging/drying racks sound like a good extention project.
For future: a sunshade. We should investigate purchasing that in the Canterbury area.
St Caths (Patrick): As above.
Next meeting brought forward to Sunday 18th October due to Labour Day event.
Other Business:
Email lists: David asked (online) whether we still need separate general and Council lists. Consensus at the meeting is Council list keeps mundane matters (e.g. payments) off the general list, which would otherwise detract from the general list. [I note online discussion also favours retention of the Council list - Patrick.] We should remember to point out that the Council list is open to all those interested.
Closed: 8:11