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4th of January

Submitted by Ildhafn Seneschal on February 11, 2015 - 10:50pm

In Attendance: Patrick (Seneschal), Nora (Reeve), Nicola (Chatelaine), Katherine (Web), David (A&S), Nadia (Rapier), Angela, Shannon M, Josh, Shannon W (Herald - Late)


Apologies: Robb (Marshal)

Opened: 7-ish

Reports: None

Seneschal / Matters Arising:

Search for Herald: The deadline tomorrow is, I've had a couple of nibbles but no takers yet.  I'd like to push it till after Faire, but it probably needs to be done earlier than that.  [A date after CF was later advertised - PB]

Past Events:

St Caths (Ange):  Only a partial report at this stage as I have not finished with the numbers.

We had 48 people attending the event: 35 people full event, 3 day trippers, 10 partial and 5 kids.  We have made a profit from this event, but I'm still trying to calculate where it came from: probably about $500.  $180 from food budget - general underspend over meals, $200ish from tenting people, $70 not spent on laundry - my flatmate did the washing; suggest buying laundry detergent and a thank you gift from this budget.  Invoice sent for firewood but I cannot find the transaction - Patrick to follow up - approx. date was the 27/11/2014.

Upcoming Events:

Canterbury Faire (Patrick):

Site is in flux, we still don't know where we will be.  We have fridge space confirmed for 1 box, second pending confirmation.

I note a minor problem with the online form: mobile number is not recognised.  I still need to organise first Sunday breakfast and lunch, and pack down breakfast on the final Sunday. 

If you want Buns - please book. 

Katherine: Suggest investing in table and benches to store down there - buy or commission furniture to store at SG for faire each year.

Action: Katherine to purchase or commission a trestle table and a couple of flatpack benches up to $800.

Gas for burners: Patrick to follow up.  Need to check the online list to see what needs to be purchased. Katherine to email Patrick the chore documents from last year.

Please don't argue with Ange when she tells you put your tent - no tents are to be put up until Ange is there.

May Crown 2015 (David): 

22 bookings so far.  Facebook group to be made.  The booking form needs to be updated regarding loaner bedding and feast gear.  We could purchase bedding on behalf of travellers which could then be donated to charity.




A&S: Do we want it weekly or less often, e.g. twice a week; or turn it into a big once a month thing?  It could move to a different time of the week.  It was noted that attendence became more erratic later in the year. 

Offers of place from: Al & Mel, Amy and Shannon, Nicola and Vanessa (tentative)

Decision: First and Third Sundays of the month, this will not clash with Council and will allow time to run other things, e.g. workshops.  Places: Al & Mel's, Amy and Shannon's; Shannon W as a back up.  Move time to 1-4pm as this will allow more freedom for hosts.

Music Salon: to be discussed online.

Rapier practise: To go on Calendar starting after Faire, but timing should also discussed online.

Dancing: Katherine will run on Thursday, it will be more disassociated from the group.

Music: to be discussed.

Next Meeting: 22nd of February.

Other Business:

O week / Club week: First week of March at Auckland University.  Nora to check who is doing it for other Argent Court.  Shannon W and Katherine might be able to advertise for us.

Bookmarks: More required.

Afternoon workshop required; Patrick to badger and put to council list. [I have absolutely no idea what this means - PB]

SCA Signs: We need new ones and should stop waiting for them to go on Special.  David to price and send to list.  Look to purchase a couple of big ones and a couple of small ones.

List: Katherine would like $30 for replacement rails for the list.

Action: Katherine to purchase rails.

Argent Court: is doing a camping event where they are inviting other groups. $20 un-catered, $40 caterers - end of January. Out near Kingseat.  Bring Archery gear.  Bookings close mid faire.


Closed: 8:23pm

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