This week - April 16th
- Laudemus Virginem
- Splendens ceptigera
- Ave vera virginitas
- La Tricotea
- Alle Psallite
- Change then for lo she changeth
- O my heart
- Ah Robin
- Rodrigo Martinez
Laudemus and Splendens Ceptigera were our usual warmup.
Tonight was our second attempt at Ave Vera Virginitas. We were all surprised at how well it went. With only three parts, Katherina bounced between the tenor and soprano lines.
This was our second solid go at La Tricotea, after a break of a few weeks. The last two lines (from Yo so monarchea) are still giving us some trouble, but the rest is increasingly solid. We found, as usual, that paired lines are easier to manage than all three at once.
After La Tricotea, we needed something easier and more familiar, so had a few runs through some favourites.
That done, we made a start on Ah Robin, from the Lochac Snogbook. This version perhaps doesn't suit our ranges as well as it might, so I'll consider other options. We all learned all three lines of the canon section; then sang them together taking only one each (Vettoria the first, Katherina the second, William the third).
Participating: William de Cameron, Katherina Weyssin, Vettoria di Giovanni.
Plans for next time
- Ave vera virginitas: continued work, including dynamics and rhythmic changes
- La Tricotea: get to the end successfully, introduce to Yvonne
- Ah Robin: perhaps a different version, better suited to our ranges?