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Birthday Ball

Date and Time: 
Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 18:30 to 22:30

IMG_6477William de Cameron and Katherina Weyssin invite all comers to an evening of dancing. There will be a light-but-sumptuous supper to refresh us, and a selection of board-games for those who prefer sedentary amusements.

This is the church next door the community house in Birkdale where we have dance practice. It has ample parking out the front. There's space to get changed there if you don't want to come in costume.


  • $10 for adult SCA members
  • $12 for adult non-members
  • $5 for children, 6-16 years
  • free for children 5 and under


Please fill in the booking form by Friday the 10th of May (a week before the ball), to allow us time to plan the supper. If you have any questions, please contact Katherina (phone 0272 282 977 or email

Date and time:

IMG_6682The ball is on the 18th of May.

  • Hall opens 6:30pm
  • Ball begins at 7
  • Nibbles and cold drinks available through the evening
  • Break for supper at  about 8:30, followed by more dancing
  • Ball finishes at about 10:30
  • Pack and leave by 11pm

Other details

IMG_6739While the focus of the evening will be dancing, there will be several tables set up with chess, backgammon, and other games of strategy or chance, for the amusement of those who prefer not to dance.

There will not be a full meal - eat something before you come - but there will be cold drinks throughout the evening, and a supper at about 8:30pm.

We will decide what to dance on the night: everyone attending will get to pick at least one dance, if they would like to. There will be someone to help you choose something suitable if you're not sure which dances are which.


  • Steward: Katherina Weyssin (Katherine Davies) -  Email: or phone: 0272 2982 977 or (09) 482 4399
  • Deputy steward: William de Cameron (David Robb)
  • Supper: Christine Bess Duvaunt and Katherine of Glastonbury