Minutes - September 06
Ildhafn Council Meeting : 25 September 2006
Present: David, Vanessa, Michaela, Nick, Kelsie, Alex, Katherine
Report email: Clare
Meeting opened: 7:40pm
Officer reports
Seneschal (David)
Position still vacant: Deputy Seneschal. Must not be allergic to the idea of taking over as Seneschal when David's term ends. Please contact David if you may be interested.
Fencing (David)
David wishes to purchase two fencing masks, to be used as loaner masks. Because the Reeve is not here this evening to confirm out current financial state, David will check with Gary regarding available funds before continuing.
These masks will be purchased from Lord Emrys, and will be used on a "newest person has first option" basis. Council approved this in principle, pending confirmation of funds available.
Web (Kelsie)
Replaced all the @ symbols in email addresses on the website with escaped characters to limit spam.
Updated some music also.
Baroness (Kelsie)
Some discussion about new ideas for awards. Nothing to be afraid of.
A&S (Michaela)
If anyone is interested in being deputy, with a long term (mid next year) view to taking over as A&S officer, please apply to Michaela.
Entertainments for St Catherines Faire are being organised by the College.
Herald (Clare)
Heraldry has been relatively quiet this month as I have been extremely busy with work. it is now the holidays so I hope to make good progress next month. Alan the Traveller's submission has been awaiting payment, which is being made as I write this so should be on its way in a few days. Geffrey še Wulf's submission is in the final stages and should be on its way in the next week. Isabelle and Willemeyne's submissions are now at the top of the pile.
Money received: none
Submissions forwarded: none
Archery (Nick)
Hopefully the improving weather will mean that archery can start up again.
It's all been rather quiet of late, although the College is starting things up.
Nick is investigating options for targets to be constructed, and will price out the possible alternatives.
Constable (Nick)
A few enquiries about the lost property, but no claims made. Plans are being made to auction off anything still unclaimed after a year - if you think something might be yours, get in touch soon!
Proto-college of St Dionysius/Medieval Guild (Alex)
At least 10, up to 15-20 regular members now. Hurrah!
Alex has been working on teaching the collegians a number of dances.
A "Cultural Mosaic" event held on Thursday went very well.
Archery construction/practice sessions are being organised in conjunction with Lord Emrys, which will initially be bow/arrow making and then later moving towards practice once people are suitably equipped.
Alex has brought along the "evidence of support" forms for the device and name of the College.
To try and assist the college with events on campus during the year, Alex will endeavour to give people more notice to try and accomodate those who work full time.
For next year's Orientation week, it would be great to run fighting demos as was done this year, as well as dancing.
St Catherines 2006:
- 7 bookings so far! All from out of Auckland.
The first price increase happens on the 4th of October - book now before the price goes up! David to get the bank a/c details online ASAP.
- Booking forms are available on the website http://ildhafn.sca.org.nz/stcaths
Some discussion about timetabling options - it was decided that the feast will definitely be on the Friday night, war (mixed) combat will happen on Friday morning. Apologies to those who won't be able to be there on the Friday, but we can't fit it all into the weekend.
Plans for a Baronial workshop to prepare things for St Catherines:
- Finishing off the marshalls tabards
- Finding and finishing (as required) the list poles
Wendy was investigating Yule options - waiting to hear back.
12th Night - January 2007. Not Coronation, but our local midsummer get-together.
Anyone interested in running this, please give it some thought and put in a bid!
General Business
Vanessa ran another unofficial equestrian day, and is now corresponding with the Kingdom Equestrian Marshal to move forward with formalising her status as an Equestrian Marshal.
Ysemay Rede is now running an embroidery gathering on the last Sunday of the month at 10am, normally at Karens place although details will be available on the mailing lists.
Katherine will be running dance practices on alternate Thursdays until December (by which time we hope to have convinced her to stay here in Ildhafn) Details available on the mailing list and website.
Katherine is interested in putting in a bid for the Bal d'Argent next year. Council thinks this is a good idea, and encourages her to put together a bid for Council's approval.
Next meeting
Next meeting will be on Monday 30th of October at 7:30pm.
Meeting closed at 8:48pm.