the barony of Ildhafn

Minutes - November 06

Ildhafn Council Minutes - Monday 27th November ==============================================

Present: David, Vanessa, Clare, Wendy, Michaela, Kelsie, Gary

Apologies: Nick

Meeting opened: 7:35pm

Officer reports


Seneschal (David)


Attended the SCANZ AGM. Thanks to Matt and BJ for hosting the meeting.

Applications for the position of Seneschal, to take over at 12th Night close at St Catherine's Faire.

Poor turnout of quarterly reporting from the officers. Please try to get your reports in on time, even if it's just a quick note to say "nothing's happening."

Chatelaine (Wendy)


Have hopefully talked our newest immigrants to the Barony into turning up to St Cath's. Will continue corresponding with them to assist where required.

Will be picking up Gold Key on Thursday for St Cath's.

Only one other enquiry for Gold Key garb for the event at this stage.

Herald (Clare)


Rudiger and Alyenora's names and devices have been passed.

Various other submissions in progress, either about to be sent off, or awaiting decisions by the applicants.

Money has been received from Wendy for heraldic registration services.

Clare has purchased a new ringbinder/folder for heraldic use. Council approved the purchase and the reimbursement of $19.86 to Clare (receipt supplied).

Archery (Nick)


Expense claim form and receipts supplied for the purchase of archery target supplies. Council had preapproved this purchase on the Council mailing lists, and will reimburse Nick for the materials ($220.63 - receipts supplied).

A&S (Michaela)


Various conversations with people during planning for A&S at St Cath's about possible workshops to run next year. With the influx of new blood into the Barony we're starting to see more enthusiasm for classes and learning. (Yay!)

B&B (Kelsie)


Working with the Herald re changes to ceremonies and possible renaming of some of the Baronial awards.

Web (Kelsie)


Apologies for not getting the SCANZ AGM onto the calendar.

Reeve (Gary)


The Barony has a healthy bank balance. All is good.

Receipts from Nick and Clare were submitted to Gary.

Cheques and cash received for St Catherine's Faire bookings were given to Gary for banking.



St Catherine's Faire

- Bookings (for people wanting food) have now nominally closed. ~50

people expected at the feast.

- Council rang up and hassled various people about showing up to the feast

- Romano will be bringing the coffee house stuff

- Feast start time has been moved to 7pm to accommodate those who are

working on Friday.

- 9 teachers totalling 12 classes are planned at this time. Michaela and

David will update the schedule after Council meeting.


- Wendy will hassle people at St Caths about booking for Yule.

- Wendy to organise a booking form to have available for prospective attendees.

12th Night

- Cluain are wishing to run a 12th night event for the Barony.

- Council thinks this is a great idea, and suggests Sunday the 14th of

January (various folk including the B&B are away prior to this time).

- Since this event would be run under the auspices of the Canton of

Cluain, no budgetary approval etc is required of the Ildhafn Council.

General Business


Vanessa will be organising official equestrian practices, having recently been authorised as an equestrian marshall. Anyone interested, please contact Vanessa (

- Kelsie to add this information to the website.

Does anyone know the whereabouts of the big Ildhafn silk banner, that was last seen at Rowany Festival? Please contact David ( if you know.

Meeting closed 8:45pm

Next meeting will be on January 29th, at a venue yet to be determined.