Minutes - June 05
Ildhafn Council Meeting : 27 June 2005
Present: David, Vanessa, Gary, Phil, Derek
Apologies: Karen, Michaela
Meeting opened: 7:45pm
Officer reports
Seneschal (David)
Still looking for any applicants for the position of Constable, or Captain of Archers.
Vanessa is still looking for the first aid kits, if anyone knows where they are.
Reeve (Gary)
Needs to talk to Sharon about tax returns - do we need to do one or is it covered at the SCANZ level.
Currently we are in overdraft on the main account - need to transfer money from second account to cover.
Gary has deposited $700 of his own money into the main account to cover outstanding cheques.
The policy of "No receipt, no cheque" is again reiterated, as well as a new policy that no blank cheques will be issued.
B&B (Derek)
No new wars.
Herald (Phil)
"Pick a name for NZ" has probably closed by now. Feedback to Crux will still be welcome.
Design for new augmentation has been completed
- Derek to scan for website.
- Phil will organise petition supporting new design for St Johns.
2 recent submissions accepted
Still waiting for final report from May Day. Event stewards are again reminded to have the reports in in a timely manner.
St Catherines Faire
- Much discussion about pricing options, and how much of Motu Moana weneed to book. Phil to make some further enquiries about booking options
and then post to the Council list for confirmation.
General Business
David to check that Council list allows for attachments to be sent.Next meeting
Next council meeting is on July 26 (at 78 Connaught St, Blockhouse Bay),starting at 7:30pm.
Meeting closed at 9:10pm.