Minutes - January 06
Ildhafn Council Meeting : 23 January 2006
Present: David, Vanessa, Michaela, Nick, Kelsie, Bridget J
Late: Phil, Wendy
Report emailed: Ross
Apologies: Gary, Karen
Meeting opened: 7:45pm
Officer reports
Seneschal (David)
Memberships - Please remember that your membership of the SCANZ helps keep our status as a Barony. If you know someone whose membership has lapsed, see if you can talk them into joining again (nicely of course).
A&S (Michaela)
Thanks to Phil for his help with St Catherine's.
A number of people volunteered to run classes "on the day" which made for some extra organising work required.
Next time will look towards getting a list of attendees from the steward in advance so that potential teachers can be quietly targetted.
Will look to compiling a dossier of teachers and subjects available within the group.
Keen to help with pre-Coronation A&S focussed event.
Marshal (Ross)
Would like a deputy in Ildhafn. Interested persons, please apply directly to Ross. (marshal@ildhafn.sca.org.nz)
Nothing much else to report.
Herald (Phil)
Not much since St Catherine's.
Roger (in Cluain) is starting to do heraldry submissions.
Archery (Nick)
Some limited archery at St Catherine's. Unfortunately the facilities available did not allow for as much archery as many would have liked.
More archers present for the mixed combat than heavies.
Constable (Nick)
Some lost property from St Cath's, will photograph to assist with identifying owners.
Chatelaine (Wendy)
Haven't had formal stepping-up ceremony yet, but have been presented to the populace at 12th night. Need to get sash etc from Karen.
Web (Kelsie)
Monthly bash needs to be removed.
OP needs updating.
Baroness (Kelsie)
Some discussion about the fealty rings which have been organised by the Barons and Baronesses list. Little information has been forthcoming to the groups, which is leading to questions like "how much money, and when?"
Kelsie to follow up.
David to talk to Kingdom Seneschal about how this situation has arisen.
St Catherines Faire
- An excellent event, well attended and enjoyed by all.
- Phil has submitted a draft report, and will have a full version available for the next council meeting.
- Some outstanding correspondance/receipts needed from Bridget D.
- David and Phil to meet with Gary to organise cheques.
12 Night
- A fun event in Cluain, many thanks to Constance and Baxton for the use of their house. The selection of foods brought by everyone was fantastic.
- Derek is organising a couple of tournaments (one heavy, one rapier) for Orientation week at the University of Auckland, to try and grow our presence there and hopefully recruit enough new members from the student population to form a household. Further details to be published on the Ildhafn mailing list.
Bloth 2006
- Please get your bids in soon! The sooner we can announce this, the better the event will be.
General Business
Date that have been decided upon, or that we need to be aware of for 2006:
January 27-29: Leeuwen Horst (Tauranga)
February 2-7: Canterbury Faire (Christchurch)
Feb 27 - March 3: Orientation Week (Auckland University)
March 25: St Sebastian's Day (Te Awamutu)
April 13-18: Rowany Festival (Yass, Australia)
April 21-25: St George's (Hamilton)
May 12-14: Crown Tournament
May 26-28: Possible A&S event (Ildhafn)
June 24: The Bloth (preferred date, Ildhafn)
July 7-9: Coronation (Hamilton)
August 18-20: Darton Anniversay (Wellington)
October 20-23: NAAMA
November 24-26: St Catherine's Faire 2006 (Preferred date, Ildhafn)
Next meeting
Next council meeting is on February 27rd (at 78 Connaught St, Blockhouse Bay), starting at 7:30pm sharp.