Minutes - February 07
Minutes of Council meeting held Tues, 27th February 2007.
Meeting Opened 7.38pm
Present: Claire, Alex, Katherine, Wendy
Apologies: Kelsie, David, Gary
* Submissions noted at previous meeting have now been posted
* We have two new Macers - Tristan & Maria
* Would like to run a couple of classes, at St Caths or Collegium, on How to pick a name and one specifically for Heralds
* Have been elected as Drop Dead Deputy for Crux
* nothing to report
* nothing to report
* nothing to report
* Will do a test run on making list stakes safer & present to Derek for checking
* Andrew has put his name forward to take over as Marshall when Ross steps down - will wait until next month to see if any other nominees.
* need to organise with David re changing bank a/c signatories.
* AGM date has been set - Friday 16th March at Alex's. This will also be a Newcomers evening.
* O-week - over two days 40 potential members signed up - 14 of these paid the club membership fee of $5.00
* Lots of new people interested in Archery - really need to get something happening here to keep interest up
* May Day Festival - date set - Friday 4th May - same deal as last year - Pot luck dinner
* Frostbane Festival - date set - Saturday 1st September
Dates to keep in mind:
* School holidays - Easter - 06/04/07 to 22/04/07
Term 2 - 30/06/07 to 15/07/07
Term 3 - 22/09/07 to 07/10/07
* St Georges - Fri 20th - Sun 22nd April
* May Day - Fri 28th April (AUMG)
* Bloth - ???Sat 23rd June??? - no bids yet
* Coronation - Sat 7th & Sun 8th July (Southron Gaard)
* Collegium - Sat 25th August
* Frostbane Festival - Sat 1st September (AUMG)
* St John's - Fri 21st - Sun 23rd September (Cluain)
* Bal d'Argent - ???Sat 6th October??? - Katherine bidding
* St Catherine's Faire - Thurs 29th Nov - Sun 2nd December
Coming Events
* Still need bids for the Bloth - need this as soon as possible as will be cutting it fine to find venue & get organised.
* Katherine has requested permission to bid for the Bal d'Argent - dates discussed and permission granted.
Meeting closed 9.15pm